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CSC 433 -- Course Documents
- Project Submission Guidelines
- Stat Tables
- SAS 9.2 Online Documentation:
- SAS Documents
Introduction to SAS
SAS Installation Instructions
Common SAS Informats
Common SAS Formats
SAS 9.2 Language Reference, Informats
Randall Cates, MISSOVER, TRUNCOVER, and PAD, OH MY!! or Making Sense of the INFILE and INPUT Statements
Andrew Carp, My Friend the SAS Format
Selected SAS Functions Reference
Reading Delimited Text Files into SAS 9
An Introduction to SAS Character Functions, by Ronald Cody
Using SGPLOT for Quick High-Quality Graphs, by Delwiche and Slaughter
proc sort
proc print
proc summary
New Ways and Means to Summarize Files
proc sql
proc tabulate
proc tabulate
SAS FAQ: How can I create tables using proc tabulate?,
Institute for Digital Research and Education, UCLA
proc report
The SAS Macro Language
- R Documents
- R Tutorials
- Missing Values