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Random Number Generators
Uniform Random Variable Generators
The seed for a random number generator is used to obtain the next value for a uniform
random number generator.
Use this R command to set the seed and algorithm for the uniform random number generator:
set.seed(seed=3584938, kind="Mersenne-Twister")
Mersenne-Twister is the default algorithm, so the following command has the same effect:
Set the seed explicity with the set.seed function
to obtain reproducable output from a script.
call streaminit(seed_value);
to set the seed in a SAS script for the random number generator function rand.
Normal Random Variable Generators
- The R default method for obtaining normal pseudo-random variables is the inverse CDF method.
If x is a standard normal random variable and Φ
is the standard normal cumulative probability
function Φ(a) = P(x ≤ a), then
Φ-1(x) is a standard normal random variable.
- We can phrase this in terms of the R functions runif and qnorm:
u <- runif(100, 0, 1)
n <- qnorm(u, 0, 1)
R has these algorithms available for generating normal pseudo-random numbers.
Kinderman-Ramage Buggy Kinderman-Ramage (not for set.seed)
Ahrens-Dieter Box-Muller Inversion (default) user-supplied
Exponential Random Number Generators
- The exponential distribution models various kinds of random
arrivals. For example:
- Customers arriving at a grocery checkout counter.
- Automobiles arriving a tool booth.
- Phone calls arriving at a help desk.
- Print jobs arriving at a networked printer.
- HTTP GET requests received by an internet server.
- Radioactive events detected by a Geiger counter.
- Number of months until a mortgage default.
- The exponential distribution is also called the memoryless distribution
because the length of time you have already waited for the arrival of the next event
does not affect the amount of time you will still have to wait for that event.
- The probability density of the exponential distribution with arrival rate λ:
The height of this density can be obtained with the R function call
dexp(t, lambda).
- The cumulative probability function of the exponential distribution with arrival rate λ:
The value F(t) can be computed with the R function call pexp(t, lambda).
- Problem: Create a quantile-quantile plot to decide if
times between births of babies in a hospital
approximate an exponential distribution.