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R Graphics Parameters

Parameter par Only Meaning Values
*=default value
RO=Read Only
adj no The way in which text strings are justified in text, mtext and title 0=Left justified; *0.5=Centered; 1=Right Justified
ann no Determines whether to annotate output with axis labels and overall title. FALSE=Do not annotate; *TRUE=Annotate
ask yes Determines if user is asked to click graph to see new output *FALSE=Do not ask user; TRUE=Ask user
bg no Background color for device Color value; *"white"
bty no Shape of the box drawn around plots. The shape resembles the corresponding upper case letter. *"o", "l", "7", "c", "u", "]"; "n" means no box.
cex no Character expansion factor for plotting symbols Numeric value, *1
cex.axis no Character expansion factor for axis annotation Numeric value, *1
cex.lab no Character expansion factor for axis labels Numeric value, *1
cex.main no Character expansion factor for main title Numeric value, *1
cex.sub no Character expansion factor for subtitle Numeric value, *1
RO cin no Character size (width, height) in inches Numeric vector of length 2
col no Color for plotting symbols Color value; *"black"
col.axis no Color for axes Color value; *"black"
col.lab no Color for labels Color value; *"black"
col.main no Color for main title Color value; *"black"
col.sub no Color for subtitle Color value; *"black"
RO cra no Character size (width, height) in pixels Numeric vector of length 2
family no Font family for drawing text String representing font family; *"" (use device default font)
fg no Foreground color for plot. Sets default color for labels and boxes
fig yes Coordinates of the figure region in the display region of the device Numeric vector form c(x1, x2, y1, y2)
fin yes Figure region dimensions in inches Numeric vector of form c(width, height)
font no Font to use for plotting symbols and axes *1=plain, 2=bold, 3=italic, 4=bold italic
font.axis no Font to use for axes *1=plain, 2=bold, 3=italic, 4=bold italic
font.lab no Font to use for labels *1=plain, 2=bold, 3=italic, 4=bold italic
font.main no Font to use for subtitle *1=plain, 2=bold, 3=italic, 4=bold italic
font.sub no Font to use for plotting symbols and labels *1=plain, 2=bold, 3=italic, 4=bold italic
lab no Approximate number of tick marks c(x, y, len), where x and y are approximate number of tick marks and len is label length; *c(5, 5, 7). len is unimplemented in R.
las no Orientation of text in axes *1=parallel to axes, 2=horizontal, 3=perpendicular to axes, 4=vertical
lend no End style of lines *0 or "round", 1 or "butt", 2 or "square"
lheight yes Line height of text. Used to vertically space text. Computed as crt*cex. Numeric value; *1
ljoin no Join style of lines *0 or "round", 1 or "mitre", 2 or "bevel"
lty no Line type 0=blank, *1=solid, 2=dashed, 3=dotted, 4=dotdash, 5=longdash, 6=twodash
lwd no Line width Positive number determining line width, *1
mai yes Margin width around figure in inches Numeric vector of form c(bottom, top, left, right)
main no Main title of the plot. Character vector, usually of length 1
mar yes Margin width around figure in lines Numeric vector of form c(bottom, top, left, right), *c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1
mex yes Character size expansion factor used to describe coordinates in margins of plots Numeric value, *1
mfcol yes Specifies that subsequent figures will be positioned in an nc × nr array in column major order. Numeric vector: c(nc, nr)
mfrow yes Specifies that subsequent figures will be positioned in an nc × nr array in row major order. Numeric vector: c(nc, nr)
mgp no Margins for axis labels (lab), axis numbers (num), and axis lines (lin) Numeric vector of form c(lab, num, lin)
new yes Determines whether to clear frame before drawing as if on a new frame. *FALSE, TRUE
oma yes Size of outer margins as a fraction of device region Numeric vector of form c(bottom, left, top, right)
om1 yes Size of outer margins in inches Numeric vector of form c(bottom, left, top, right)
pch no Plotting character Integer 1, ... ,20 specifying symbol or character, *1
pin yes Plot region in inches Numeric value
plt yes Coordinates of the plot region as fractions of the current figure region Numeric vector of form c(x1, x2, y1, y2)
ps yes Point size of text (but not symbols). Does not change the relationship between mar and mai (nor oma and omi). Integer value; default is device specific
pty yes Type of plot region "s"=square region, *"m"=maximal region
srt no String rotation in degrees. Only supported by text function. Numeric value, *0
sub no Subtitle at the bottom of the graph Character vector, usually of length 1
tck no Length of tick marks as a fraction of the smaller of the width or height of plotting region Numeric value, *NA, 1=draw grid lines
tcl no Length of tick marks as a fraction of the height of a line of text. Numeric value, *-0.5, -0.1=NA sets tck to the S default -0.01
type no Type of plot "p"*: points, "l": lines, "b": both, "o": overlay,
"h": high density, "n": no plot
usr no Extremes of user coordinates of plotting region. Numeric vector of form c(x1, x2, y1, y2)
xaxp no Coordinates of extreme tick marks and number of intervals between tick marks when par("xlog") is FALSE. Numeric vector c(x1, x2, n)
xaxs no Style of axis interval calculation use for x-axis *"r"=regular, "i"=internal
xaxt no x axis type "s"=standard, "n"=do not plot axis
xlab no x axis label Character vector, usually of length 1
xlim no x axis limit Numeric vector of length 2
xlog yes Specifies whether to use logarithmic scale on x axis *FALSE, TRUE
yaxp no Similar to xaxp  
yaxs no Similar to xaxs  
yaxt no Similar to xaxt  
ylab no y axis label Character vector, usually of length 1
ylbias yes Value used to position text in margins by axis and mtext functions Numeric value, *0.2 for R devices
ylim no y axis limit Numeric vector of length 2
ylog no Similar to xlog