
Below you wil find our references used to research our site. For ease of use to the user we will list them by section. We will also provide a hyperlink where available. Thank you.

Background References

1 The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 19 July, 2007. The World Factbook Link. 30 July, 2007.

Network Access References

1 "E-READINESS Report August 2006". UNESCO.

2 The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 19 July, 2007. 30 July, 2007.

3 Ken Zita. "Malaysia Telecom Brief." 21 Sep 2005. Network Dynamics Associates LLC. 1 August, 2007.

4 Michael Minges, Vanessa Gray. "MULTIMEDIA MALAYSIA: INTERNET CASE STUDY". 2002. International Telecommunication Union (ITU). 1 August, 2007.

5 Redesign Malaysia. 1 August, 2007.

6 "2004/2005 Global Retail & Consumer Study from Beijing to Budapest." PricewaterhouseCoopers. 2005. 1 August, 2007.

7 "HP defends Malaysia offshoring move." ZDNet Australia. 06 July 2006.,130061702,139262286,00.htm

Networked Learning References

1 Michael Minges, Vanessa Gray. "MULTIMEDIA MALAYSIA: INTERNET CASE STUDY". 2002. International Telecommunication Union (ITU). 1 August, 2007.

Networked Society References

1 Public Awareness of S&T - Source: 03/30/2002

2 IDC IT Spending by Hardware, software and services 2006-2010 - Source: IDC, 2006. IT Spending by Hardware, Software, and Services 2006-2010

3 Deloitte survey- "The Asian Advantage in the Outsourcing Revotion (2005)" referenced in

Networked Economy References

1 MALAYSIA: ENHANCING JOBS STRATEGY, Ministry of Human Resources Human Resources Policy Division Level 7, Block D3, Parcel D Federal Government Administrative Center 62503 Putrajaya Malaysia 13 October 2006

2 Ninth Malaysia Plan, The Economic Unit, Prime Minister's Department, Putrajaya, 2006

3 Malaysia Internet and e-commerce 2006 - 2010 Forecast: Tracking the Development, IDC

Network Policy References


2 The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission. " Framework for Industry Development (FID) " : 2002

Offshore Opportunities References

1 Allie Young, Ian Marriott. "Offshore/Global Sourcing Strategies in IT Outsourcing: User Practices and Country Preferences." Gartner 21 July 2006: G00141803

2 Freddie Ng, Jacqueline Heng. "Market Overview: IT Services Providers, Malaysia, 2005." Gartner 10 Nov 2006: G00143882

3 The Economic Planning Unit. "Ninth Malaysia Plan."

4 Freddie Ng, Jacqueline Heng. "Market Overview: IT Services Providers, Malaysia, 2005." Gartner 10 Nov 2006: G00143882