Republic of ColombiaColombia

Population: 44,205,293
Comparison to the world: 28
(July 2010 est.)

Capital: Bogota

Time Difference: UTC-5 (same time as Washington, DC during Standard Time)

Land Area: 1,138,914 sq km
Comparison to the world: 26

Border countries:
Brazil 1,644 km
Ecuador 590 km
Panama 225 km
Peru 1,800 km
Venezuela 2,050 km

GDP (purchasing power parity):
US $401 billion (2009 est.)
Comparison to the world: 29

Source: CIA World Factbook


Colombia’s growing economy, relatively young population and improving information and communication infrastructure present an opportunity for it to become a leader in global technology outsourcing locations. Conveniently located in GMT -5, Colombia shares a time zone with much of the Eastern United States. The low cost of entry, high levels of government support, and a rapidly developing workforce make Colombia an attractive option for US-based technology firms looking for real-time software support or development efforts. Colombia may also be attractive for firms looking to supplement their support centers elsewhere in the world as part of a follow-the-sun approach to development and software support.

While Colombia’s ICT infrastructure and technology currently lags behind more developed nations, the country is rapidly advancing and is well-positioned to become a global IT center in the coming decade.


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