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At the turn of the century, Argentina was moving along to becoming a well-established networked country.  However, due to their economic crisis of 2001 and 2002 their economy was in shambles. Also, affected by the economic downturn was Argentina’s technology sector.

Influenced by a recovering economy as well as an increased usage of technology in the surrounding Latin America community, Argentina began to increase their usage of ICTs in 2003.  Over the last three years Argentina has experienced significant growth trends in key ICT readiness statistics, specifically within: 

·        Number of household computers;

·        Number of PCs in schools;

·        Internet usage amongst the population; and

·        On-line purchases.

Overall, Argentina is currently in a stage 3.  Much of Argentina is aware of the Internet and the power of technology; however, as of 2006 most of the country does not use the Internet nor do they have household computers.  With that in mind, statistics show that ICT trends are significantly increasing.  On-line purchases have more than doubled in the last three years.  As Argentina maintains a stable economy, continues to encourage the usage of ICTs in schools and everyday life, then Argentines can continue to adopt to new technology Argentina and therefore result in a stage 4 category within a couple years.