Industrial Production



Small manufacturing enterprises dominate Morocco's manufacturing sector. Factories produce chemicals (1.1 million tons of phosphoric acid annually), textiles, construction materials (5.8 million metric tons of cement annually), footwear, processed foods, wine, refined petroleum, and other products.
In addition, handicrafts comprise an important industry and are actively supported by the government. Handwoven and embroidered textiles, leatherwork, ceramics, woodwork and carpets (1.2 million square metres annually) are produced by artisans throughout Morocco.

The King himself is a major patron of Morocco's craft industries, which are now exported throughout the world. The Moroccan Pavilion at Disney World's Epcot Centre in Orlando, Florida is an example of the high profile that Moroccan handicrafts have attained.


Morocco's main agricultural production (based on 1990's figures) is as follows:

Sugarcane and sugar beets
3.7 million metric tons
Cereals (wheat and barley) 3 million metric tons
Tomatoes 900,000 metric tons
Potatoes 900,000 metric tons
Oranges 869,000 metric tons
Melons 551,000 metric tons
Olives 500,000 metric tons
Grapes 294,000 metric tons
Pulses 163,000 metric tons
Dates 82,000 metric tons

In addition, animal husbandry yields the following annual livestock production:

17 million sheep
5.5 million goats
3.3 million cattle


Fishing is another source of revenue, with an annual catch of 592,900 tons, mostly from Atlantic seaboard centres such as Casablanca, Agadir, Safi and Essaouira.


Morocco has the world's largest phosphate reserves and is also the world's largest exporter of phosphates and it derivatives. Fully one-quarter of Morocco's global trade involves this mineral. Morocco's other mineral resources include iron ore, copper, fluorine, lead, barites, base metals and anthracite. Export earnings in the mining sector is approximately $1.5 billion dollars.

To advance the production process in the phosphate sector, the Moroccan government has been exploring ways to encourage private participation and has increasingly privatized portions of this industry.

Phosphates comprise Morocco's principal mineral resource with an annual production of about 21.4 million metric tons. Other mineral resources produced are coal, iron ore, lead, manganese and zinc.

Country Background

Telecommunications Infrastructure

Industrial Production

Internet Diffusion

Electronic Commerce

Hardware Manufacturing

Software Development

IT Labor Market

IT Geographic

Government policies

Analysis: IT strength/Weakness

Analysis: IT Impacts on Business

