DePaul CDM Study Abroad December 2008 - Brazil

Nurez Abji

M.S. in Business Information Technology

Framework or Role(s):

Beautiful weather, delicious cuisine, deep rooted subculture, strong nationalistic pride, self sufficient, nostalgic, complimentary, conservative, ethical, modest, hospitable are just a few adjectives to describe the experiences that I endured on this trip to Brazil. Each city had its own identity that gave the people, culture, and the dynamics of that environment a very particular flavor of humanity. Wherever we were in Brazil there were a few great things that remained consistent which each experience that unfolded. The citizens of Brazil become and stay alive best when the sun is shining. The BBQ meat is none other any in the world. Futbol is not a just sport in Brazil. It’s a reason to live. I will always have a unique respect for coalminers from here on end. Work hard and play harder just seems to describe a typical Brazilians way of life. And most of all, the new found camaraderie and friendship I encountered along the journey through Brazil.