Networked Access
Nigeria’s participation in the networked world is established through its current network access infrastructure. And even though the minimum condition necessary for readiness is recognized, there is still room for network accessibility devices to cater for its 149,229,090 population. A significant drawback to fulfill this network accessibility is affordability of communication devices i.e., computers and mobile interent ready devices. Affordability is emphasized due to the current additional undersea fiber optic cabling with a capacity of 1920 Gbps, which eventually will ease the availability and reliability concern. But without affordability of communication devices, this capability will not be felt throughout the region, especially the rural areas. So recommendation to Nigeria's government and prospect businesses is an affordable network ready communication device, either a computer or electronic device that can access the Internet. The prediction is that, with an affordable device not only will the goal of the network world will be accomplish, but also a profitable venture for a manufacture or a vendor of such a basic device design purposely to access a network. The inception of MISSPIN (Microsoft Internet Safety, Security and Privacy Initiative for Nigeria) and advancement in Computer and Network Security is an effort to curb and eventually expunge concerns of vulnerabilities and system intrusion, thus any ICT related business venture should be considered in the region.
Network Society
Nigeria’s network society is partially established due to the number of Internet user as of 2009 and with the the current population it is justified that the society is not fully in tune with the global network access. Although the rate is growing exponentially, from the PIN survey, it seems majority of the recorded Internet users access the Networked World through cybercafés. So in order for a network society to fully intertwine, the affordability and availability of ICT devices will enhance the formation of a network society. Therefore a recommendation to Nigeria's government and prospect businesses is the spread of affordable network ready device into the system.