DePaul CDM Study Abroad December 2008 - Brazil

The The National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (Laboratorio Nacional Computacao Cientifica) is a research institute that belongs to the Brazillian Ministry of Science and Technology. The institution was founded in 1980 to develop scientific computing in the country along with providing support to the Brazilian scientific and technology communities.

The organizational structure of the LNCC is divided between the University and Research. The areas of scientific study include scientific computing, control and filtration of dynamical systems, biosystems and bioinformatics computational modeling, flow and transport computational modeling, and equilibrium and optimization problems computational modeling. The institutional projects include SINAPAD (National System for High Performance Computing), GEOMA(Geoprocessing and Modeling in the Amazon), Scientific Visualization Image Analysis and Virtual Reality, CATO(Center for Modeling of the Atmospheric-Earth-Ocean System), Bioinformatics Laboratory, and Computational Modeling and Simulation of the Human Cardiovascular System.

The LNCC has developed strong relationships with companies and research institutes within Brazil and internationally. The Institute has yet to receive international recognition as a leader in scientific computing. However, with a focus on applicable research projects to the community and firms promotes growth within the community.