To Projects

Project 4a

Data File: Baylor Religion 2007 Survey Data

Survey Questions: Baylor Religion Survey Questions

Code Book: Meanings of Responses

Column Numbers: Baylor Religion Survey Column Numbers

Original Questionaire Brochure: Booklet for the Original Baylor Religion Survey

Deliverables: Report including tables, graphs, and source code in a zip file.

Grading Breakdown: Accuracy and appropriateness of graphs: 70%, Well written and insightful report: 30%

To Do:

  1. Read the data from the data file.  You will probably need to use an lrecl statement because the datalines are longer that 265 characters.
  2. Product tables and graphs that summarize the relationship between three of the questions and responses in the survey. These questions can include demographic data such as gender or income.  You may use either SASGRAPH or ods graphics using sgplot.  You will most likely use proc freq to create your tables and bar charts for your graphs.
  3. Write a report summarizing your findings (about one page).