Data File: BAYLORW2(Description Only Codebook) 1) ID Respondent's identification number 2) WEIGHT Weight variable 3) REGION Region where the respondent lives 4) RELIG1 Q1a. With what religious family do you most closely identify? 5) RELIG2 Q1b. With what religious family do you most closely identify? Additional coded answers 6) DENOM Q2. If possible, please provide the specific name of your denomination. For example, if you are Baptist, are you Southern Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches in the USA, or some other Baptist denomination? If you are Jewish, are you Reformed, Orthodox, Conservative, or some other branch of Judaism? 7) RELGIOUS Q3. How religious do you consider yourself to be? 8) ATTEND Q4. How often do you attend religious services? 9) HOWLONG Q7. How long have you attended your current place of worship? 10) HOWMANY Q8. On average, how many people attend services at your current place of worship? Just your best estimate will do. 11) PERCWHT Q9a. About what percent of the people who attend your current place of worship are of the following races or ethnicities? (Please estimate a percentage for each.) White (non-Hispanic) 12) PERCHISP Q9b. About what percent of the people who attend your current place of worship are of the following races or ethnicities? (Please estimate a percentage for each.) Hispanic 13) PERCBLK Q9c. About what percent of the people who attend your current place of worship are of the following races or ethnicities? (Please estimate a percentage for each.) Black or African-American 14) PERCASN Q9d. About what percent of the people who attend your current place of worship are of the following races or ethnicities? (Please estimate a percentage for each.) Asian 15) ATTENDO Q9e. About what percent of the people who attend your current place of worship are of the following races or ethnicities? (Please estimate a percentage for each.) Some other race or ethnicity 16) TITHE Q10. Do you tithe (give a fixed percentage of your income) to your current place of worship? 17) HHCONTRB Q11. During the last year, approximately how much money did you and other family members in your household contribute to your current place of worship? 18) GAMBLING Q12b. By your best guess, how would your current place of worship feel about each of the following? Gambling 19) REVEAL Q12c. By your best guess, how would your current place of worship feel about each of the following? Wearing revealing clothing 20) PORN Q12a. By your best guess, how would your current place of worship feel about each of the following? Pornography 21) PREMARSX Q12d. By your best guess, how would your current place of worship feel about each of the following? Premarital sex 22) COHABIT Q12e. By your best guess, how would your current place of worship feel about each of the following? Living together before marriage 23) CONTRA Q12f. By your best guess, how would your current place of worship feel about each of the following? Use of contraception 24) ABORTION Q12g. By your best guess, how would your current place of worship feel about each of the following? Abortion 25) HOMOSEX Q12h. By your best guess, how would your current place of worship feel about each of the following? Homosexual behavior 26) DISPWLTH Q12i. By your best guess, how would your current place of worship feel about each of the following? Displays of wealth 27) FRNDWSHP Q13a. How many of your friends attend your place of worship? 28) FRNDDIFF Q13b. How many of your friends attend a different place of worship? 29) FRNDDONT Q13c. How many of your friends do not attend religious services? 30) RELIGED Q14a. How often did you participate in the following religious or faith-based activities in the last month? Religious education programs, such as Bible study or Sunday school 31) CHOIR Q14b. How often did you participate in the following religious or faith-based activities in the last month? Choir practice or other musical programs 32) COUNSEL Q14c. How often did you participate in the following religious or faith-based activities in the last month? Counseling programs sponsored by a place of worship 33) SOCIAL Q14d. How often did you participate in the following religious or faith-based activities in the last month? Social gatherings at your place of worship like fellowships or potlucks 34) WTNSSFR Q14e. How often did you participate in the following religious or faith-based activities in the last month? Witnessing/sharing your faith with friends 35) WTNSSST Q14f. How often did you participate in the following religious or faith-based activities in the last month? Witnessing/sharing your faith with strangers 36) COMMPRAY Q14g. How often did you participate in the following religious or faith-based activities in the last month? Community prayer group not affiliated or sponsored by a congregation (e.g., in the neighborhood, at work, etc.) 37) COMMBIBL Q14h. How often did you participate in the following religious or faith-based activities in the last month? Community Bible study not affiliated or sponsored by a congregation (e.g., in the community or workplace) 38) FBPROGRM Q14i. How often did you participate in the following religious or faith-based activities in the last month? Faith-based programs not affiliated or sponsored by a congregation (e.g., prison ministry, homeless shelter, etc.) 39) OTHERREL Q14j. How often did you participate in the following religious or faith-based activities in the last month? Other kinds of religious or faith-based activities (please specify) 40) BIBLEBEL Q15a. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Bible-Believing 41) BORNAGN Q15b. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Born-Again 42) CHARISMA Q15c. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Charismatic 43) CONTMPLT Q15d. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Contemplative 44) EVANGEL Q15e. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Evangelical 45) FUNDAMEN Q15f. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Fundamentalist 46) MAINLINE Q15g. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Mainline Christian 47) MYSTIC Q15h. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Mystic 48) PENTECST Q15i. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Pentecostal 49) RELLEFT Q15j. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Religious Left 50) RELRIGHT Q15k. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Religious Right 51) SEEKER Q15l. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Seeker 52) SPIRIT Q15m. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Spiritual 53) THEOCON Q15n. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Theologically Conservative 54) THEOLIB Q15o. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Theologically Liberal 55) TRADIT Q15p. How well do the following terms describe your religious identity? Traditional 56) SACREDBK Q16. Outside of attending religious services, about how often do you read the Bible, Koran, Torah, or other sacred book? 57) PRAY Q17. About how often do you pray or meditate outside of religious services? 58) BIBLE Q18. Which one statement comes closest to your personal beliefs about the Bible? (Please mark only one box.) 59) GOD Q19. Which one statement comes closest to your personal beliefs about God? (Please mark only one box.) 60) GODFORCE Q20a. Based on your personal understanding, what do you think God is like? A cosmic force in the universe 61) GODREMOV Q20b. Based on your personal understanding, what do you think God is like? Removed from worldly affairs 62) GODWORLD Q20c. Based on your personal understanding, what do you think God is like? Concerned with the well-being of the world 63) GODPERS Q20d. Based on your personal understanding, what do you think God is like? Concerned with my personal well-being 64) GODANGER Q20e. Based on your personal understanding, what do you think God is like? Angered by human sin 65) GODMYSIN Q20f. Based on your personal understanding, what do you think God is like? Angered by my sins 66) GODINVLV Q20g. Based on your personal understanding, what do you think God is like? Directly involved in worldly affairs 67) GODMYAFF Q20h. Based on your personal understanding, what do you think God is like? Directly involved in my affairs 68) GODMALE Q20i. Based on your personal understanding, what do you think God is like? A "He" 69) GODABSOL Q21a. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Absolute 70) GODCRIT Q21b. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Critical 71) GODDIST Q21c. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Distant 72) GODPRES Q21d. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Ever-present 73) GODFTHR Q21e. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Fatherly 74) GODFORGV Q21f. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Forgiving 75) GODFRND Q21g. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Friendly 76) GODJUST Q21h. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Just 77) GODKIND Q21i. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Kind 78) GODKING Q21j. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Kingly 79) GODLOVNG Q21k. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Loving 80) GODMTHR Q21l. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Motherly 81) GODPUNSH Q21m. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Punishing 82) GODSEVER Q21n. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Severe 83) GODWRATH Q21o. How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God in your opinion? Wrathful 84) GODMAJOR Q22a. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about God? God rewards the faithful with major successes 85) GODSMALL Q22b. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about God? God rewards the faithful in small ways (such as helping to find lost keys or fight off a cold) 86) GODWOES Q22c. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about God? God punishes sinners with terrible woes 87) GODPUNSM Q22d. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about God? God punishes sinners in small ways (such as losing a promotion or getting into a minor accident) 88) GODRESRV Q22e. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about God? God reserves his judgment for the afterlife 89) GODSHOW Q22f. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about God? God clearly shows us the difference between right and wrong 90) GODWAR Q22g. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about God? God requires the faithful to wage wars for good 91) GODALLOW Q22h. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about God? God sometimes allows major tragedies to occur as a warning to sinners 92) GODCAUSE Q22i. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about God? God causes major tragedies to occur as a warning to sinners 93) GODMIRAC Q22j. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about God? God often performs miracles which defy the laws of nature 94) DEVIL Q23a. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? The Devil/Satan 95) HEAVEN Q23b. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? Heaven 96) HELL Q23c. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? Hell 97) PURGATRY Q23d. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? Purgatory 98) ARMAGEDD Q23e. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? Armageddon 99) ANGELS Q23f. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? Angels 100) DEMONS Q23g. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? Demons 101) RAPTURE Q23h. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? The Rapture 102) GHOST Q23i. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? Ghosts 103) ET Q23j. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? Extraterrestrials 104) BIGFOOT Q23k. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? Bigfoot 105) PSYCHIC Q23l. In your opinion, does each of the following exist? Psychic phenomena, such as ESP 106) GETHEAV Q24. How certain are you that you will get into Heaven? 107) GETAVAMR Q25a. If you believe in Heaven, how many of the following people do you think will get into Heaven? Average Americans 108) GETFRND Q25b. If you believe in Heaven, how many of the following people do you think will get into Heaven? Your personal friends 109) GETNGHB Q25c. If you believe in Heaven, how many of the following people do you think will get into Heaven? Your neighbors 110) GETFAM Q25d. If you believe in Heaven, how many of the following people do you think will get into Heaven? Family members 111) GETCHRST Q25e. If you believe in Heaven, how many of the following people do you think will get into Heaven? Christians 112) GETBUDDH Q25f. If you believe in Heaven, how many of the following people do you think will get into Heaven? Buddhists 113) GETMUSLM Q25g. If you believe in Heaven, how many of the following people do you think will get into Heaven? Muslims 114) GETJEWS Q25h. If you believe in Heaven, how many of the following people do you think will get into Heaven? Jews 115) GETNONRL Q25f. If you believe in Heaven, how many of the following people do you think will get into Heaven? Non-religious people 116) WITNHEAL Q26a. Please indicate whether or not you have ever had any of the following experiences: I witnessed a miraculous, physical healing 117) RECHEAL Q26b. Please indicate whether or not you have ever had any of the following experiences: I received a miraculous, physical healing 118) TONGUES Q26c. Please indicate whether or not you have ever had any of the following experiences: I spoke or prayed in tongues 119) FELTCALL Q26d. Please indicate whether or not you have ever had any of the following experiences: I felt called by God to do something 120) HEARDGOD Q26e. Please indicate whether or not you have ever had any of the following experiences: I heard the voice of God speaking to me 121) DREAMREL Q26f. Please indicate whether or not you have ever had any of the following experiences: I had a dream of religious significance 122) GUARDIAN Q26g. Please indicate whether or not you have ever had any of the following experiences: I was protected from harm by a guardian angel 123) RELCONV Q26h. Please indicate whether or not you have ever had any of the following experiences: I had a religious conversion experience 124) ONEUNIV Q26i. Please indicate whether or not you have ever had any of the following experiences: I felt at one with the universe 125) EVILDEVL Q27a. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about evil in the world: Most evil in the world is caused by the Devil 126) EVILMAN Q27b. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about evil in the world: Most evil in the world is caused by mankind 127) POSSESS Q27c. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about evil in the world: It is possible for people to be possessed by the Devil/demons 128) EVILDOUB Q27d. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about evil in the world: Evil in the world has caused me to doubt my faith 129) HUMANEVL Q27e. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about evil in the world: Human nature is basically evil 130) ROOTEVIL Q27f. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about evil in the world: Love of money is the root of all evil 131) PARANORM Q27g. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about evil in the world: Certain paranormal phenomena (such as UFOs and Ouija boards) are the work of the Devil 132) KEPTFROM Q28a. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: I have kept my religious beliefs from others for fear of ridicule 133) RELPROBS Q28b. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: My religious beliefs have caused problems in my workplace 134) RELTROUB Q28c. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: I tend to have trouble maintaining close relationships because of my religious beliefs 135) RELMISS Q28d. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: Because of my religious devotion I have missed financial opportunities 136) BELFAMLY Q28e. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: My family members and I disagree about religious matters 137) RELRIDIC Q28f. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: My religious views are often ridiculed by the media 138) XMASTREE Q29. Do you regularly put up a Christmas tree during the holidays? 139) SANTA Q30. At what age did you stop believing in Santa Claus? 140) RELFATHR Q31a. Please indicate the religious affiliation of your father, mother, and spouse (if married). (Please mark only one box.) Father 141) RELMOTHR Q31b. Please indicate the religious affiliation of your father, mother, and spouse (if married). (Please mark only one box.) Mother 142) RELSPOUS Q31c. Please indicate the religious affiliation of your father, mother, and spouse (if married). (Please mark only one box for.) Spouse 143) RELIG12 Q32. How personally religious were you at age 12? 144) ATTEND12 Q33. By your best estimate, how often did you attend religious services at age 12? 145) ABRTRAPE Q34a. How do you feel about the morality of the following? Abortion, if the pregnancy is the result of rape 146) ABRTAFF Q34b How do you feel about the morality of the following? Abortion, if the family cannot afford the child 147) DIVNOKID Q34c. How do you feel about the morality of the following? Divorce, if the couple does not have children 148) DIVCHLD Q34d. How do you feel about the morality of the following? Divorce, if children are present 149) MARIJUAN Q34e. How do you feel about the morality of the following? The use of marijuana 150) PHYSSUIC Q34f. How do you feel about the morality of the following? Physician-assisted suicide 151) STEMCELL Q34g. How do you feel about the morality of the following? Embryonic stem cell research 152) WAR Q34h. How do you feel about the morality of the following? War 153) SEEKJUST Q35a. How important is it to do the following if one wishes to be a good person? Actively seek social and economic justice 154) FAITHGOD Q35b. How important is it to do the following if one wishes to be a good person? Have faith in God 155) CARESICK Q35c. How important is it to do the following if one wishes to be a good person? Take care of the sick and needy 156) TEACHMRL Q35d. How important is it to do the following if one wishes to be a good person? Teach others your morals 157) CONVOTHR Q35e. How important is it to do the following if one wishes to be a good person? Convert others to your religious faith 158) SERVMIL Q35f. How important is it to do the following if one wishes to be a good person? Serve in the military 159) USEFEWER Q35g. How important is it to do the following if one wishes to be a good person? Consume or use fewer goods 160) CLIMCHNG Q36a. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: If we do not change things dramatically global climate change will have disastrous effects 161) EXHAUST Q36b. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: If we do not change things dramatically we will exhaust the Earth's supply of coal, oil, and natural gas 162) MRLDECAY Q36c. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: If we do not change things dramatically we will witness the moral decay of our society 163) ECONCOLL Q36d. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: If we do not change things dramatically we will face economic collapse 164) DESTROY Q36e. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: If we do not change things dramatically we will destroy most of the plant and animal life on earth 165) DEATHPEN Q37a. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should abolish the death penalty? 166) CHRNATN Q37b. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should declare the United States a Christian nation? 167) ENGLISH Q37c. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should declare English the national language? 168) DISTRIB Q37d. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should distribute wealth more evenly? 169) ADVOCHR Q37e. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should advocate Christian values? 170) REGULATE Q37f. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should regulate business practices more closely? 171) SEPARAT Q37g. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should enforce a strict separation of church and state? 172) FIGHTTER Q37h. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should expand its authority to fight terrorism? 173) PUNISH Q37i. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should punish criminals more harshly? 174) GUNLAWS Q37j. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should enact stricter gun laws? 175) IMPROVE Q37k. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should improve the standard of living for ethnic minorities? 176) DISPREL Q37l. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should allow the display of religious symbols in public spaces? 177) PRAYSCHL Q37m. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should allow prayer in public schools? 178) SPNDENV Q38a. How do you feel about current government spending on the following? Improving and protecting the environment 179) SPNDHLTH Q38b. How do you feel about current government spending on the following? Improving and protecting the nation's health 180) SPNDCRIM Q38c. How do you feel about current government spending on the following? Halting the rising crime rate 181) SPNDEDUC Q38d. How do you feel about current government spending on the following? Improving the nation's education system 182) SPNDMIL Q38e. How do you feel about current government spending on the following? The military, armaments, and defense 183) SPNDWELF Q38f. How do you feel about current government spending on the following? Welfare 184) SPNDSCI Q38g. How do you feel about current government spending on the following? Supporting scientific research 185) SPNDBRDR Q38h. How do you feel about current government spending on the following? Patrolling and controlling our borders 186) GAYMARR Q39a. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about homosexuals: Homosexuals should be allowed to marry 187) GAYUNION Q39b. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about homosexuals: Homosexuals should be allowed civil unions 188) CHOOSE Q39c. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about homosexuals: People choose to be homosexuals 189) GAYBORN Q39d. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about homosexuals: People are born as either homosexual or heterosexual 190) IRAQWAR Q40a. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about world events: Going to war in Iraq was the right decision 191) TROOPS Q40b. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about world events: We should bring American troops home from Iraq immediately 192) GODSPLAN Q40c. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about world events: The success of the United States is part of God's plan 193) RELYSCI Q41a. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about science: We rely too much on science and not enough on faith 194) SCISOLUT Q41b. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about science: Science will eventually provide the solutions to most of our problems 195) GODSGLRY Q41c. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about science: Science helps to reveal God's glory 196) HUMNEVOL Q41d. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about science: Humans evolved from other primates over millions of years 197) CREATION Q41e. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about science: Creationism should be taught in public schools 198) SCIRELIG Q41f. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about science: Science and religion are incompatible 199) SCIHOSTL Q41g. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about science: Most scientists are hostile to religion 200) POLVIEWS Q42. How would you describe yourself politically? (Please mark only one box.) 201) PARTYID Q43a. Do you think of yourself as Republican, Democrat, or Independent? (Please mark only one box.) 202) PARTYID2 Q43b. Do you think of yourself as Republican, Democrat, or Independent? (Please mark only one box.) Additional codes 203) GROUPS Q44. We are all part of different groups. Some are more important to us than others when we think of ourselves. In general, which single item in the following list is most important to you in describing who you are? (Please mark only one box.) 204) PRES08_1 Q45a. At this time, who do you want to win the 2008 presidential election? (Please mark only one box.) 205) PRES08_2 Q45b. At this time, who do you want to win the 2008 presidential election? (Please mark only one box.) Additional codes 206) VOTEFEM Q46. If your party nominated a woman for president, would you vote for her? 207) VOTEMIN Q47. If your party nominated a member of a racial minority for President, would you vote for him or her? 208) WORKWHT Q48a. If you are currently employed, how many of the people you work with are white, non-Hispanic? 209) WORKBLK Q48b. If you are currently employed, how many of the people you work with are black or African American? 210) WORKHSP Q48c. If you are currently employed, how many of the people you work with are Hispanic or Latino? 211) WORKASN Q48d. If you are currently employed, how many of the people you work with are Asian? 212) NGHBWHT Q49a. How many people in your neighborhood are white, non-Hispanic? 213) NGHBBLK Q49b. How many people in your neighborhood are black or African American? 214) NGHBHISP Q49c. How many people in your neighborhood are Hispanic or Latino? 215) NGHBASN Q49d. How many people in your neighborhood are Asian? 216) FRNDWHT Q50a. How many of your close friends are white, non-Hispanic? 217) FRNDBLK Q50b. How many of your close friends are black or African-American? 218) FRNDHISP Q50c. How many of your close friends are Hispanic or Latino? 219) FRNDASN Q50d. How many of your close friends are Asian? 220) CMFRTWHT Q51a. How comfortable would you be working with someone who is white, non-Hispanic? 221) CMFRTBLK Q51b. How comfortable would you be working with someone who is black or African-American? 222) CMFRTHSP Q51c. How comfortable would you be working with someone who is Hispanic or Latino? 223) CMFRTASN Q51d. How comfortable would you be working with someone who is Asian? 224) MOVEDWHT Q52a. How comfortable would you be if a family moved next door to you with about the same income and education as you and is white, non-Hispanic? 225) MOVEDBLK Q52b How comfortable would you be if a family moved next door to you with about the same income and education as you and is black or African-American? 226) MOVEDHSP Q52c. How comfortable would you be if a family moved next door to you with about the same income and education as you and is Hispanic or Latino? 227) MOVEDASN Q52d. How comfortable would you be if a family moved next door to you with about the same income and education as you and is Asian? 228) BRINGWHT Q53a. How comfortable would you be if a member of your family wanted to bring a friend home to dinner who is white, non-Hispanic? 229) BRINGBLK Q53b. How comfortable would you be if a member of your family wanted to bring a friend home to dinner who is black or African-American? 230) BRINGHSP Q53c. How comfortable would you be if a member of your family wanted to bring a friend home to dinner who is Hispanic or Latino? 231) BRINGASN Q53d. How comfortable would you be if a member of your family wanted to bring a friend home to dinner who is Asian? 232) MARRYWHT Q54a. How comfortable would you be if a daughter of yours married someone who is white, non-Hispanic? 233) MARRYBLK Q54b. How comfortable would you be if a daughter of yours married someone who is black or African American? 234) MARRYHSP Q54c. How comfortable would you be if a daughter of yours married someone who is Hispanic or Latino? 235) MARRYASN Q54d. How comfortable would you be if a daughter of yours married someone who is Asian? 236) DATERACE Q55. Have you ever dated or been romantically involved with a person of another race? 237) TRUSTPPL Q56a. How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups? People in general 238) TRUSTIMM Q56b. How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups? Immigrants 239) TRUSTWHT Q56c. How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups? White, non-Hispanics 240) TRUSTBLK Q56d. How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups? Blacks or African Americans 241) TRUSTHSP Q56e How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups? Hispanics or Latinos 242) TRUSTJEW Q56f. How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups? Jews 243) TRUSTCHR Q56g. How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups? Christians 244) MARITAL Q57. What is your current marital status? 245) HAPPYUND Q58a. If you are married or living as married, please indicate how happy you are with certain aspects of your home life and relationship with your partner or spouse: The amount of understanding you receive from your partner/spouse 246) HAPPYLOV Q58b. If you are married or living as married, please indicate how happy you are with certain aspects of your home life and relationship with your partner or spouse: The amount of love and affection you receive from you partner/spouse 247) HAPPYAGR Q58c. If you are married or living as married, please indicate how happy you are with certain aspects of your home life and relationship with your partner or spouse: The extent to which you and your partner/spouse agree about things 248) HAPPYSEX Q58d. If you are married or living as married, please indicate how happy you are with certain aspects of your home life and relationship with your partner or spouse: Your sexual relationship 249) HAPPYBRD Q58e. If you are married or living as married, please indicate how happy you are with certain aspects of your home life and relationship with your partner or spouse: Your partner's/spouse's performance as a breadwinner 250) HAPPYCRE Q58f. If you are married or living as married, please indicate how happy you are with certain aspects of your home life and relationship with your partner or spouse: Your partner/spouse as someone who takes care of things around the house 251) HAPPYDO Q58g. If you are married or living as married, please indicate how happy you are with certain aspects of your home life and relationship with your partner or spouse: Your partner/spouse as someone to do things with 252) HAPPYFIN Q58h. If you are married or living as married, please indicate how happy you are with certain aspects of your home life and relationship with your partner or spouse: Your financial situation 253) CHILDREN Q59. How many children, if any, do you have? 254) UNDER18 Q60. How many children under the age of 18 currently live in your household? 255) AGEYOUNG Q61. What is the age of your youngest child currently living at home? 256) CHLDENTR Q62a. If you have children, how well do the following statements describe your family? I closely monitor my children's entertainment (movies, books, Internet use, music, etc.) 257) WHEREKID Q62b. If you have children, how well do the following statements describe your family? I closely monitor where my children are at all times 258) KIDSFRND Q62c. If you have children, how well do the following statements describe your family? My children's friends have too much influence over their behavior 259) CORPPUN Q62d. If you have children, how well do the following statements describe your family? Our family does not believe in the use of corporal punishment (such as spanking) 260) PRAISEKD Q62e. If you have children, how well do the following statements describe your family? Our family believes it is more important to praise children that it is to discipline them 261) TIMEOUTS Q62f. If you have children, how well do the following statements describe your family? We ground our children or give them "time-outs" as a form of discipline 262) HOMESCHL Q63. Are any of your children home-schooled? 263) IMPSAME Q64a. How important are the following things to you? That your children have the same religion as you 264) IMPMARR Q64b. How important are the following things to you? That your children marry someone with the same religion as you 265) IMPSHARE Q64c. How important are the following things to you? That you and your partner/spouse share the same religious views 266) PARCORP Q65a. How well do the following statements describe your parents? My parents often used corporal punishment (such as spanking) as a form of discipline 267) PARGRND Q65b. How well do the following statements describe your parents? My parents used groundings and "time-outs" as a form of discipline 268) PARPRAIS Q65c. How well do the following statements describe your parents? My parents believed it was more important to praise children than it was to discipline them 269) SUITED Q66a. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about men's and women's roles: Most men are better suited emotionally for politics than most women 270) SUFFER Q66b. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about men's and women's roles: A preschool child is likely to suffer if his or her mother works 271) WMNCARE Q66c. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about men's and women's roles: It is God's will that women care for children 272) EQCHORES Q66d. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about men's and women's roles: If his wife works full-time, a husband should share equally in household chores , such as cooking, cleaning, and washing 273) SALARY Q66e Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about men's and women's roles: A husband should earn a larger salary than his wife 274) MOREOPP Q66f Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about men's and women's roles: The way society is set up, men have more opportunities than women 275) FEMINIST Q66g. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about men's and women's roles: I consider myself as a feminist 276) GENDER Q67. What is your gender? 277) AGE Respondent's age (See Note 1 on the ARDA summary page) 278) USCITIZN Q69. Are you a citizen of the United States of America? 279) RURALURB Q70. Which of the following best describes the place where you now live? (Please mark only one box.) 280) HRSWORKD Q71. How many hours did you work last week? 281) EMPLOYER Q72. Which of the following best describes your place of employment? (Please mark only one box.) 282) JOBTITLE Q73. If you are currently employed, what is your job title? (See Note 2 on the ARDA summary page) 283) LOCALBUS Q74. Is your current employer a locally-owned business? 284) NOTWORK Q75. If you did not do any work last week for pay or profit, what is the reason? (Please mark only one box) 285) WHITE Q76a. What is your race? (You can mark "yes" to more than one.) White 286) BLACK Q76b. What is your race? (You can mark "yes" to more than one.) Black or African American 287) AMERIND Q76c. What is your race? (You can mark "yes" to more than one.) American Indian or Alaska Native 288) ASIAN Q76d. What is your race? (You can mark "yes" to more than one.) Asian 289) PACISLND Q76e. What is your race? (You can mark "yes" to more than one.) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 290) OTHRRACE Q76f. What is your race? (You can mark "yes" to more than one.) Some other race (please specify) 291) HISPANIC Q77. If you are Hispanic or Latino, which of the following are you? (Please mark only one box) 292) EDUC Q79. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Please mark only one box.) 293) INCOME Q79. By your best estimate, what was your total household income last year, before taxes? 294) FRNDNGHB Q80a. Thinking of your close friends, how many live in your neighborhood? 295) FRNDCHAR Q80b. Thinking of your close friends, how many belong to the same charitable organizations as you? 296) FRNDWORK Q80c. Thinking of your close friends, how many work at the same place as you? 297) PYTHRILL Q81a. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement: I like doing things for a thrill 298) ROMANCE Q81b. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement: I worry about my romantic relationships 299) PURPOSE Q81c. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement: My life has a real purpose 300) PREDICT Q81d. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement: I enjoy situations where I cannot predict the outcome 301) MEMORIES Q81e. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement: From childhood, I have mostly positive memories of my parents 302) VOLCOMM1 Q82a. About how many hours per month do you volunteer for the community, through your place of worship? 303) VOLCOMM2 Q82b. About how many hours per month do you volunteer for the community, not through your place of worship? 304) VOLWRSHP Q82c. About how many hours per month do you volunteer for your place of worship? 305) LRNRESP Q83a. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement: Obedience and respect are the most important things kids should learn 306) CRACKDWN Q83b Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement: We must crack down on troublemakers to save our moral standards and keep law and order 307) SHOWRESP Q83c. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement: People should be made to show respect for America's traditions 308) EXTROVRT Q84a. Here are a number of personality traits which may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each trait. I see myself as: extroverted 309) CRITICAL Q84b. Here are a number of personality traits which may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each trait. I see myself as: critical 310) TRDEPEND Q84c. Here are a number of personality traits which may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each trait. I see myself as: dependable 311) ANXIOUS Q84d. Here are a number of personality traits which may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each trait. I see myself as: anxious 312) OPENNEW Q84e. Here are a number of personality traits which may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each trait. I see myself as: open to new experiences 313) QUIET Q84f. Here are a number of personality traits which may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each trait. I see myself as: quiet 314) SYMPATH Q84g. Here are a number of personality traits which may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each trait. I see myself as: sympathetic 315) DISORG Q84h. Here are a number of personality traits which may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each trait. I see myself as: disorganized 316) CALM Q84i. Here are a number of personality traits which may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each trait. I see myself as: calm 317) UNCREAT Q84j. Here are a number of personality traits which may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each trait. I see myself as: uncreative 318) RELTRAD Respondent's religious tradition 319) I-AGE Respondent's age (See Note 1 on the ARDA summary page) (Recoded for use with online analysis) 320) I-EDUC Q79. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Please mark only one box.) (Recoded for use with online analysis) 321) I-GENDER Q67. What is your gender? (for use with online analysis) 322) I-RELIGION Respondent's religious tradition (Recoded for use with online analysis) 323) I-REGION Region where the respondent lives (for use with online analysis) 324) I-ATTEND Q4. How often do you attend religious services? (Recoded for use with online analysis)