Dr. Craig Miller
Loop Office: 830 CTI Building, 312-362-5085
OHare Office: TBA
Email: cmiller@cs.depaul.edu
Web page: http://facweb.cs.depaul.edu/cmiller
Scheduled Office Hours: Thursdays 4:30 - 6:00 at OHare and Tuesdays 4-5:30 at Loop Office
Possible office hours (by appointment or chance): Weekday afternoons
Thursday 6:15-9:30
OHare Campus
Java: How to Program, Third Edition, by H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel. ISBN 0-13-012507-5.
This course teaches how to program in Java and focuses on concepts and applications that the language best addresses. Concepts include those associated with object-oriented programming, event-driven programming and distributed computing. Applications include JDBC (database access), graphical user interfaces, applets and servlets.
25% (50 points) | Assignments (10 points each) |
10% (20 points) | Group Project |
20% (40 points) | Quizzes (20 points each) |
20 % (40 points) | Midterm |
25 % (50 points) | Final |
Students receiving more than 90% of possible points are guaranteed at least an A-, more than 80% at least a B-, more than 70% at least a C-, and more than 60% at least a D.
While attendance does not comprise a formal part of the grade, students are expected to attend all classes and participate in in-class exercises. Class will start promptly at 6:15. Students are individually responsible for material they may have missed due to absence or tardiness.
The group project will be completed in groups of three or four. While students will have some control on group selection, the instructor reserves the right to modify groups in order to meet course objectives. While the group may assign a primary role to each group member, all group members are jointly responsible for the entire assignment. Generally, each group member will receive the same grade. However, in some cases, additional credit may go to those who make an exceptional contribution to a project and reduced credit to those who contribute little to a project.
Quizzes and tests can only be made up with a serious documented excuse (e.g. illness, death in the family). A make-up quiz or test must be arranged as soon as possible and always before the student attends the next class meeting. Arrangements involving other excuses require prior permission from the instructor.
Assignments will be submitted online through the Web. While students should plan to complete their assignments by classtime on Thursday, assignments will be accepted until 11:30pm the following day (Friday) without any penalty. Assignments submitted after Friday will generally not be accepted.
Assignments submitted by email are generally not accepted.
Plagiarism: The university and school policy on plagiarism can be summarized as follows: Students in this course, as well as all other courses in which independent research or writing play a vital part in the course requirements, should be aware of the strong sanctions that can be imposed against someone guilty of plagiarism. If proven, a charge of plagiarism could result in an automatic F in the course and possible expulsion. The strongest of sanctions will be imposed on anyone who submits as his/her own work a report, examination paper, computer file, lab report, or other assignment which has been prepared by someone else. If you have any questions or doubts about what plagiarism entails or how to properly acknowledge source materials be sure to consult the instructor.
Incomplete: An incomplete grade is given only for an exceptional reason such as a death in the family, a serious illness, etc. Any such reason must be documented. Any incomplete request must be made at least two weeks before the final, and approved by the Dean of the School of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Information Systems. Any consequences resulting from a poor grade for the course will not be considered as valid reasons for such a request.
Week | Topic | Text Reading | Tests and Due Project |
Jan 11 | Course overview, Java basics, using objects and methods | Course notes and chapters 4-6 | |
Jan 18 | Object-oriented programming | ch. 8, 9 | Assignment 1 |
Jan 25 | Strings, Graphics | ch. 10, 12 | Assignment 2 and Quiz 1 |
Feb 1 | Arrays and Graphical User Interfaces, exception handling | ch. 7, 12, 14 | Assignment 3 |
Feb 8 | Simple Files and streams | ch. 17 | Midterm Exam |
Feb 15 | More GUIs, Applets, File Handling | ch. 3, 13, 17 | Assignment 4 |
Feb 22 | Database connectivity | ch. 18 | Assignment 5 |
Mar 1 | Servlets | ch. 19 | Assignment 6 |
Mar 8 | More on Servlets and Java Server Pages, Intro to Threads | ch. 15 and course notes | Quiz 2 |
Mar 15 | Inheritance revisited, Polymorphism, Interfaces, Packages | TBA | Group project |
Mar 22 | Final Exam |