CSC 314: Programming in Java
Winter 2001
Group Assignment
Due Friday March 16 before 11:30pm
The group project is a joint effort by three to four individuals.
The group chooses the project together, which may be an application,
applet or a servlet. Possible project ideas include major extensions
to a previous assignment, specialized calculators, formatted
information obtained from Web servers, games, and servlets supporting
message-posting or online auctions.
Specific Requirements
The assignment only has a few restrictions:
- The project must consist of at least 3 classes. Ideally, each
individual in the group should be responsible for one class.
- The project must have a graphical user interface. In the case of
a servlet, the HTML Form code counts as a graphical user interface.
- As much as possible, the class that supports the user interface
should rely on other classes for calculations and data access.
- When submitting the project, provide a README file that explains
the project and how to run it.
- You may use code written by other programmers, but their
contributions must be fully documented and do not count as part of
your assignment.
Before the due date and time, you should submit the following
through the submission
Web page:
- README.txt
- Your classes as java source code
- Any additional support files
I will use this sheet for
evaluating the assignment.