CSC 314: Programming in Java
Winter 2001
Individual Assignment 4
Currency Exchange II: A Better GUI Program
Due Friday February 16 before 11:30pm
In this assignment, you will improve your currency exchange program
so that it is more robust, more serviceable, and better displayed. In
addition to the previous requirements, your program should meet the following
- The program should check for invalid user input such as the user
entering non-numeric data or no data at all. If the user enters invalid
input, your program should explain the problem to the user.
- The program should read currency exchange rates from a file. While not
required, you may choose to read currency names and formats from the file as
- The graphical layout of the program must make use of panels and at least
two different layout managers. The layout must look reasonable for a variable
number of frame sizes.
- The output must be well formatted. You may choose to use the
currency format methods or the decimal format methods.
Before the due date and time, you should submit the following
file through the submission
Web page:
- Your individual version of
- Your file with the currency exchange rates.
The grader will use this sheet for
evaluating the asignment.