Brazil CTI - 2007 - Global Information Technology

Traveling to Brazil, getting the opportunity to visit companies and experiencing the culture were invaluable to strengthen my understanding of outsourcing and IT development in Brazil.

Summary of the Brazil Experience

I really enjoyed the trip to Brazil. I found Brazilians to be very friendly and open. It was easy to strike up a conversation with just about anyone and they were very interested in discussing cultural similarities and differences. They are also a people who love to have fun. This was evident by the fact that clubs are open all night and busy every night of the week. The food was amazing and I ate way too much as a result.

Getting the chance to visit multiple companies in different markets and cities provided a great perspective on business and technology in Brazil. The visit to HSBC stands out to me because the design of their offices was very employee friendly environment. The office layout was very open and inviting. The personal offices of the executive employees did not have any doors. It is a very different approach than most other companies.

One of my favorite aspects of our trip to Brazil was the opportunity to get to know my fellow classmates on a personal level. It is always an interesting to take a group of strangers and throw them together in a close environment. The outcome can usually result in conflict and segmentation of small groups of people. Just reference reality TV shows. Despite the variety of backgrounds, personalities, and age differences I feel that we worked well together and functioned smoothly as a group. I enjoyed working with everyone in the group and have developed some real friendships as a result.


Rob Freeman

Current Location:

Chicago, IL

Current Field of Study:

M.S. in Business Information Technology

Current Area of Employment or Job Role:

Director of Technology

Career Objectives:

To work as a CIO for a multi-national company.

What part of the framework did you study?

Network Access / Network Policy

What was your role outside of the framework?

Website Support

Would you ever return to Brazil to work/study/live?

I would definitely return to Brazil if the opportunity was right