Brazil CTI - 2007 - Global Information Technology

My visit to Brazil was truly an enjoyable experience. I think that anyone who has the opportunity to take a class abroad should take advantage of the opportunity. There is no comparison to actually experiencing culture research first hand as opposed to typical academic classroom and textbook research.

Summary of the Brazil Experience

This trip I traveled solely in the Project Manger position in an effort to sharpen my PM skill sets in pursuit of my Project Management (PMP) certification. This trip differed from my previous trip where I traveled to Argentina and Brazil in the role as Student and Project Manager. This trip I experienced the diversity of the cities within Brazil that had culture roots from centuries ago. I came away with a different perspective after visiting smaller cities that was not only beautiful, but extremely unique to anything I have ever experienced.


Gregory L. Davison

Current Location:

Chicago, IL

Current Field of Study:

M.S. in Information Systems

Current Area of Employment or Job Role:


Career Objectives:

Complete PMP requirements

What was your role outside of the framework?

Brazil Study Abroad Project Manager

Would you ever return to Brazil to work/study/live?

I will continue to return to Brazil each year with the class in the role of Project Manager