Brazil CTI - 2007 - Global Information Technology

Summary of the Brazil Experience

The trip to Brazil showed me many IT opportunities and challenges within the international market and I was able to experience first hand what kind of exposure people have to IT, both from the corporate as well as the public access perspective.


Christopher Tan

Current Location:

Chicago, IL

Current Field of Study:

M.S. in Business Information Technology

Current Area of Employment or Job Role:

Service Desk Manager at Orbitz Worldwide

Career Objectives:

My career objective is to obtain a high level IT management position that will benefit from my education, work experience, and technical skill set.

Benefit of the trip in relation to career objective:

The trip to Brazil showed me many IT opportunities and challenges within the international market and I was able to experience first hand what kind of exposure people have to IT, both from the corporate as well as the public access perspective.

What part of the framework did you are study?

My team is studying the Network Access and Network Policy portion of the framework.

What was your role outside of the framework?

Outside of the framework/group projects, I am also part of the team responsible for reviewing all content on the website.

Would you ever return to Brazil to work/study/live?

I would definitely live and work in Brazil. The culture, people, and work environment made such a lasting impression on me and I feel that my career would benefit for an international experience like this.