Brazil CTI - 2007 - Global Information Technology

The CTI Study Abroad trip provided me the opportunity to analyze and assess IT Outsourcing capabilities and opportunities in a developing country. Meeting with the people driving educational, entrepreneurial and technology changes in Brazil was both interesting and motivating. I have gained valuable insight into the operations, strategy and vision of companies in the banking, education, distribution and technology industries, which I'll apply in my engagements with future clients.

Summary of the Brazil Experience

Brazil as a country completely suprised me. I was expecting a true third world, developing country, and was met with a developed country, vibrant culture and amazing people. The companies were well-run and organized, and I was impressed at the level of support from the local government and educational institutions. The food was delicious (who can get enough of Brazilian Churrascaria) and put Fogo de Chao to shame.

From a tourism perspective, the range of activities (both day and night) make Brazil an ideal destination. During the day: heading the beach, browsing the local markets, multitudes of beach activities (Body boarding, sandboarding) keep you busy. At night: Nightlife didn't even start until 11 at night, and could go into the early morning hours.

Having the opportunity to meet about 15 new people on this trip was particulary enriching. Every student on this trip had unique insights and perspectives, and one of the most enjoyable parts of the trip were the discussions after the site visits.

Overall, an amazing trip from a personal, educational and career perspective. I look forward to future trips to other countries!


Carrie Valatka

Current Location:

Manhattan Beach, CA

Current Field of Study:

M.S. in Information Systems

Current Area of Employment or Job Role:

Senior Consultant

Career Objectives:

Focus on international business and enterprise applications

What part of the framework did you study?

Network Economy / IT Outsourcing

What was your role outside of the framework?

Website Design

Would you ever return to Brazil to work/study/live?

I plan to return to Brazil to visit and would consider work opportunities as well.