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CSC 372 -- Projects

Name Points Description Due Date Deliverables
Project 1a   50  Display an item such as a
notable quote, joke, riddle,
or interesting fact.
    4/11 Zipfile of Android Project
Project 1b 100 RandomItem Class to display
random notable items.
    4/19 Zipfile of Android Project
Project 2 100 Compute Monthly Payment     4/25 Zipfile of Android Project
Project 3a 100 Application Form -- Part a     5/9 Zipfile of Android Project
Project 3b   75  Application Form -- Part b     5/14 Zipfile of Android Project
Project 4 100 Interactive Drawing     5/28 Zipfile of Android Project
Project 5 100 Rock Paper Scissors     6/6 Zipfile of Android Project
Final Project 100 Application Form and
Query App
    6/11 Zipfile of Android Project