To Lecture Notes

IT 238 -- Jan 6, 2025

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Review Questions

  1. Who designed the first version of HTML?
    Answer: Tim-Berners Lee. He also designed the first version of HTTP.
  2. What does HTML mean? List some HTML tags that you know.
    Details: some newer HTML commands. Commands new to HTML5 are marked with *. <abbr> <address> <area> <article>* <aside> <audio> <base> <bdi>* <bdo> <blockquote> <canvas> <caption> <cite> <code> <col> <colgroup> <data>* <datalist> <dd> <del> <details>* <dfn> <dialog>* <dl> <dt> <embed>* <fieldset> <figcaption> <figure>* <footer>* <header>* <hgroup>* <ins> <kbd> <keygen>* <legend> <main>* <map> <mark>* <menu> <menuitem>* <meter>* <nav>* <noscript> <object> <optgroup> <output>* <param> <picture>*  <progress>* <q> <rp>* <rt>* <ruby>* <s> <samp> <section> <small> <source>* <summary>* <svg>* <tbody> <template>* <tfoot> <thead> <time>* <track>* <var> <video>* <wbr>*

    Answer: Here are some frequently used HTML tags:
    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <head>
    Tags included in the <head> tag:
    <meta> <title> <link> <style> <script>
    Tags included in the <body> tag:
    <div> <span> <br> <h1> <h2> <h3>
    <p> <ul> <ol> <li> <table> <tr> <td> <th>
    <a> <img> <input> <button> <label>
  3. Set up an HTML page that uses tags that you know from Exercise 2. Upload your page to the studentweb server.
    Answer: Here is the HTML file that we uploaded to the server:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Source code for exercise3.html --/>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>Exercise 3</title>
        <h1>Exercise 3</h1>
        <p>This is a test paragraph.<br>
           This is the second line.</p>
            <li>Item 1</li>
            <li>Item 2</li>
            <li>Item 3</li>
                <th>State Flower</th>
                <td>Common Blue Violet</td>
                <td>Iowa City</td>
    The directory structure on the studentweb server should look like this. Indentation means subfolder.
    This is the URL for accessing this file on studentweb, if ssmith is your campusconnect username:
  4. What is the root node of an HTML page?
    Answer: the html node defined by the <html> and </html> tags.
  5. How does HTML5 differ from earlier versions of HTML?
    Ans: Simplified validation tag <!DOCTYPE html>
    many new tags, runs on newer browsers,
    greater support for audio and video,
    support for vector scalable graphics and drawing in a canvas.
  6. What does CSS mean? List some CSS properties that you know.
    Details: CSS properties new to CSS3: align-content  align-items  align-self  animation  backface-visibility  background-clip  background-origin  background-size  border-bottom-left-radius  border-bottom-left-radius  border-image  border-radius  border-top-left-radius  border-top-right-radius  box-shadow  box-sizing  column  columns  flex  font-size-adjust  font-stretch  justify-content  opacity  order  outline-offset  overflow  perspective  resize  tab-size  text-align-last  text-decoration-color  text-decoration-line  text-decoration-style  text-justify  text-overflow  text-shadow  transform  transition  word-break  word-wrap

    Answer: Here are some common CSS properties:
    color  background-color  font-family  font-size  font-weight  font-style
    margin  text-align  text-decoration  vertical-align
    width  height  list-style-type  background-image
  7. In this CSS style:
    h2 { color: navy; }
    identify the property, selector, and value.
    Answer: h2 is the selector, color is the property, navy is the value.
  8. What is HTTP? List some other web transmission protocols that you know.
    Answer: HTTP means Hypertext Transmission Protocol. Other protocols are:
    HTTPS (Hypertext Transmission Protocol Secure),
    FTP (File Transfer Protocol),
    SFTP (FTP over Secure Shell),
    FTPS (FTP over Secure Sockets Layer / Transport Layer).

    Use this URL in FileZilla for connecting to the studentweb server:
    Also use your campusconnect username and password. A port number is not needed.

Practice Quiz 1a

Project 0