To Lecture Notes

IT 238 -- Jan 6, 2025

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Review Questions

  1. What does HTML mean? List some HTML tags that you know.
    Details: some newer HTML commands. Commands new to HTML5 are marked with *. <abbr> <address> <area> <article>* <aside> <audio> <base> <bdi>* <bdo> <blockquote> <canvas> <caption> <cite> <code> <col> <colgroup> <data>* <datalist> <dd> <del> <details>* <dfn> <dialog>* <dl> <dt> <embed>* <fieldset> <figcaption> <figure>* <footer>* <header>* <hgroup>* <ins> <kbd> <keygen>* <legend> <main>* <map> <mark>* <menu> <menuitem>* <meter>* <nav>* <noscript> <object> <optgroup> <output>* <param> <picture>*  <progress>* <q> <rp>* <rt>* <ruby>* <s> <samp> <section> <small> <source>* <summary>* <svg>* <tbody> <template>* <tfoot> <thead> <time>* <track>* <var> <video>* <wbr>*
  2. Set up an HTML page that uses tags that you know from Exercise 1. Upload your page to the studentweb server.
  3. What is the root node of an HTML page?
  4. How does HTML5 differ from earlier versions of HTML?
  5. What does CSS mean? List some CSS properties that you know.
    Details: CSS properties new to CSS3: align-content  align-items  align-self  animation  backface-visibility  background-clip  background-origin  background-size  border-bottom-left-radius  border-bottom-left-radius  border-image  border-radius  border-top-left-radius  border-top-right-radius  box-shadow  box-sizing  column  columns  flex  font-size-adjust  font-stretch  justify-content  opacity  order  outline-offset  overflow  perspective  resize  tab-size  text-align-last  text-decoration-color  text-decoration-line  text-decoration-style  text-justify  text-overflow  text-shadow  transform  transition  word-break  word-wrap
  6. In this CSS style:
    h2 { color: navy; }
    identify the property, selector, and value.
  7. Add an external CSS style sheet for your page in Exercise 2.
    Answer: The Exercise2 Example has a CSS style sheet and a link tag in the HTML file.
  8. What is a CSS class? How do you define a class and use it in an HTML file?
    Answer: A CSS class is a user defined style that can be applied to an HTML item. Here is a class definition in a CSS file:
    .twf { font-family: "Courier New"; font-weight: bold; }
    This class is applied to a word in the HTML file like this:
    <span class="twf">words in typewriter font</span>
  9. Which colors designated by these hex color codes:
    #ff00ff  #800080  #000080  #800000  
    #008080  #c0c0c0  #e0e0ff  #e0ffff
    Hint: Here is a color wheel to help you.
  10. What is HTTP? List some other web transmission protocols that you know.
    Answer: HTTP means Hypertext Transmission Protocol. Other protocols are:
    HTTPS (Hypertext Transmission Protocol Secure),
    FTP (File Transfer Protocol),
    SFTP (FTP over Secure Shell),
    FTPS (FTP over Secure Sockets Layer / Transport Layer).

Practice Quiz 1a

Project 0

Some HTML5 Examples

  1. Details Example
    Use a details element to hide information:
    Web Page  Source Code
  2. Table Example
    A table with HTML5 elements:
    Web Page  Source Code
  3. Iframe Example
    Use an <iframe> tag to display text:
    Web Page  Source Code
  4. Drawing1 Example
    Draw two shapes (circle and polygon) using scalable vector graphics (SVG).
    Web Page  Source Code
  5. Drawing2 Example
    Drawing can also be accomplished using JavaScript:
    Web Page  Source Code

Some CSS Examples

  1. AbsolutePositioning Example
    Display div sections using absolute positioning and a background image.
    Web Page  Source Code
  2. Float Example
    Use the CSS float property to allow text to flow around an image.
    Web Page  Source Code

Project 1a