Table Example -- Source Code

HTML Page -- index.htm

<!DOCTYPE html>

<!-- Table Example 
     Source code file: index.htm
     A table with HTML5 elements. -->

        <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" 
        <title>Details Example</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">

        <h1>Table Example</h1>

                    <th>Region</th> <th>Sales ($1000)</th>
                <td>East</td> <td class="r">2,349</td>
                <td>North</td> <td class="r">2,978</td>
                <td>South</td> <td class="r">1,452</td>
                <td>West</td> <td class="r">3,037</td>
                    <td>Total</td> <td class="r">10,116</td> 

CSS Page -- styles.css

 /* Table Example
Source code file: styles.css
A table with HTML5 elements. */

body { background-color: #e0e0e0;
       color: #000060; 
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; }
table { border-collapse: collapse; }
td, th { border: black solid 1px;
         padding: 5px; }
thead { background-color: #c0ffff; }
tfoot { background-color: #ffc0c0; }
.r { text-align: right; }