To Lecture Notes

IT 231 -- Feb 15, 2024

Review Exercises

  1. What is the difference between the JavaScript statements
    let n = 329;
    and the statement
    var n = 329;
    Answer: A variable defined using var is valid in the function where it is defined. A variable defined using let is only valid in the block where it is defined. (A block consists of lines code enclosed in curly braces. Here are some examples:
        var n = 123;
    // Output:
        let m = 123;
    Uncaught ReferenceError: m is not defined.
  2. What does the nodemon package do?
    Answer: The nodemon package automatically restarts the node server when a change is made to the main.js script.
  3. What does the Node command npx do?
    Answer: it executes a Node package.
  4. What do these Express response methods do?
    send  render
    Answer: send sends a string to the browser,
    sendFile sends the contents of an HTML file to the browser,
    render sends the contents of an EJS file from the views folder to the browser.
  5. What does the file extension .ejs mean?
    Answer: Embedded JavaScript.
  6. Write a hyperlink that selects the /specials route. Answer:
    <a href="/specials">Specials</a>
  7. Write an image element that displays the image eiffel-tower.jpg on an HTML or EJS page. This image is located in the static folder public/images. Answer:
    <img src="/images/eiffel-tower.jpg" alt="Eiffel Tower">
  8. Write a link tag that links the current page to the external style sheet styles.css located in the static folder public/css. Answer:
    <img src="/images/eiffel-tower.png" alt="Eiffel Tower">
  9. MeetTheFlintstones1 Example. The following source code files have errors. Fix the errors and use these files to implement the Express project meet-the-flintstones. Place these images in the folder public/images: fred.jpg and wilma.jpg.
    ----- Source code file: main.js -------------------------
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    const express = import("express");
    const path = require("path");
    const app = express;
    app.get("/fred", (r, q) => {
    });"/wilma", (q, r) => {
    app.listen(3000, ( ) -> {
        console.log("Server started; listening on port 3000");
    ----- Source code file: views/fred.ejs -----------------
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <title>Meet Fred Flintstone<title>
            <link ref="stylesheet" src="css/styles.css">
            <h1>Meet Fred Flintstone</h1>
            <img href="images/wilma.jpg"><br><br>
            <a src="fred">Meet Fred Flintstone</a>
    ----- Source code file: views/wilma.ejs ----------------
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <title>Meet Wilma Flintstone</title>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
            <h1>Meet Wilma Flintstone</h2>
            <img src="image/wilma.png"><br><br>
            <a href="\fred">Meet Fred Flintstone</a>
    ----- Source code file: public/css/styles.css -----------
    body { backgroundColor: E0E0FF;
           color: #000000;
           font: 100% verdana san-serif; }
    h1 { color: #000080;
    img { width: 150; height: 200; )
    Answer: Here are the corrected meet-the-flintstones files.

Static Routes and Pages

Practice Quiz 5b

Tutorial 4 -- Alternate Version

Embedded JavaScript Files