To Tutorials and Projects

IT 231 -- Tutorial 4 -- Alternate Version

Goal: Create a test website and an Express server to display the website pages on localhost.


Your site will display pages for these sample routes:

/  /contact_us  /specials  /eiffel_tower
It will also display a route not found page if a route is entered other than these four. The HTML pages that correspond to these sample routes are index.html, contact-us.html, specials.html, eiffel-tower.png, and route-not-found.html.

Follow these steps to complete the tutorial:

  1. Create a Node project named tutorial4-alt-<your last name>.
  2. Install Express in your project:
    > npm i express
  3. Write a main.js script by completing the following items:
    1. Require the express module; assign it to the constant named express.
    2. Require the path module; assign it to the constant named path.
    3. Define an app object, which will be the Express server:
      const app = express( );
    4. Add the nodemon module to your project.
    5. Set up a GET route for the homepage that displays the HTML file index.html:
      app.get("/", (req, res) => {
              __dirname + '/index.html'));
      If you prefer to put the HTML files in the views folder, set up the route like this:
      app.get("/", (req, res) => {
              __dirname + '/views/index.html'));
    6. Also set up routes for /contact_us, /specials, and /eiffel_tower
    7. If any other route is entered, display route-not-found.html:
      app.get("*", (req, res) => {
              __dirname + '/file-not-found.html'));
    8. Set the server to listen on port 3000:
      const PORT = 3000;
      app.listen(PORT, ( ) => {
          console.log("Server started; " +
              `listening on port ${PORT}.`);
      Notice that, in addition to the port argument, the Express app object also accepts a callback function that is called when the app starts listening.

Finish Tutorial 4 by implementing an external stylesheet for all HTML pages, and including at least one image on one or more HTML pages.

  1. Set up a public folder for static access:
  2. Implement a set of hyperlinks on each page that link to the other pages in the website. For example, on the index page, you could use these hyperlinks:
        <a href="/contact_us">Contact Us</a> &nbsp;
        <a href="/specials">Specials</a> &nbsp;
        <a href="/eiffel_tower">Eiffel Tower</a></p>
  3. Create the external stylesheet styles.css and place it in a folder named public within the project folder. Remove all the <style> elements from the HTML pages.
  4. Modify the html files to all use the styles.css stylesheet:
        <title>Contact Us</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
  5. Place the image eiffel-tower.png in the public folder.
  6. Create an HTML file named eiffel-tower.html that displays the Eiffel Tower image. Your stylesheet should include a width property to display the image at an appropriate size. If you include both width and height properties, you risk distorting the aspect ratio if the image.