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IT 223 -- May 29, 2024

Review Exercises

  1. The probability that a part on an assembly line is defective is 5%. What is the probability that
    1. exactly 3 parts are defective out of 15. Use R to check your answers. Answer:
      P(k successes out of n) = nCk pk (1-p)n-k
            = 15C3 * 0.053 * (1-0.05)15-3
            = 15!/(3!*12!) * 0.053 * 0.9512 = 0.03073298 = 3%.
      This probability is computed using R like this:
      > dbinom(3, 15, 0.05)
      [1] 0.03073298
    2. exactly 2 parts are defective out of 15. Answer:
      P(k successes out of n) = nCk pk (1-p)n-k
            = 15C2 * 0.052 * (1-0.05)15-2
            = 15!/(2!*13!) * 0.052 * 0.9513 = 0.1347523 = 13%.
      This probability is computed using R like this:
      > dbinom(2, 15, 0.05)
      [1] 0.1347523
    3. exactly 1 part is defective out of 15. Answer: P(k successes out of n) = nCk pk (1-p)n-k
            = 15C1 * 0.051 * (1-0.05)15-1
            = 15!/(1!*14!) * 0.051 * 0.9514 = 0.3657562 = 37%.
      This probability is computed using R like this:
      > dbinom(1, 15, 0.05)
      [1] 0.3657562
    4. no parts are defective out of 15. Answer: P(k successes out of n) = nCk pk (1-p)n-k
            = 15C0 * 0.050 * (1-0.05)15-0
            = 15!/(0!*15!) * 0.050 * 0.9515 = 0.4632912 = 46%.
      This probability is computed using R like this:
      > dbinom(0, 15, 0.05)
      [1] 0.4632912
    5. 3 or fewer parts are defective. Answer:
      P(3 or fewer defective parts
      0.03073298 + 0.1347523 + 0.3657562 + 0.4632912 = 0.9945327 = 99%.
      To verify this answer with R:
      > # The following R statement computes the
      > # probability of 3 or fewer sucesses out of 15
      > # when the probability of success is 0.05.
      > pbinom(3, 15, 0.05)
      [1] 0.9945327
  2. r
  3. State the Law of Large Numbers (LLN). Who first proved it?
    Answer: Jakob Bernoulli.
  4. State the Central Limit Theorem (CLT). Who first proved it?
    Answer: Abraham de Moivre proved the CLT in the context of the binomial distribution.
    Alexandr Lyapunov proved the modern form of the CLT.

The Average of Random Variables

Normal Approximation for the Binomial Distribution.

Tests of Hypotheses for Proportions

Tests of Hypothesis in General

The z-test

More about p-values

Practice Problems