To Lecture Notes

CSC 433 -- Apr 24, 2017

Review Exercises

  1. This proc means code is supposed to write the only the means of the observations to an output dataset. What is wrong?
  2. Summarize the dataset dating.csv with proc means and proc freq.
    Use this script to create the dataset:
    Ans: Use proc summary to summarize the variables satisf and conflict:
  3. Translate the proc sql statements in the Continents1 and Kids4 Examples into base SAS.
    Ans: See the Continents2 and Kids5 Examples.
  4. Suppose that the dataset a contains the values  x = 23 51 76 98; the dataset b contains x = 11 23 76 98 115. Write a SAS script that contains (a) the union, and (b) the intersection of the two datasets. How do you do this with proc sql? Ans:
  5. The following dataset contains the low and high temperatures (° F) at ORD airport for the first ten days of January, 2014.
    Use ods graphics to graph this data. Use this article by Delwiche and Slaughter to help you set sgplot options:

  6. Use ODS graphics to create a bar graph of this sales data ($ thousands):


Quiz 4


Project 4


The SAS Macro Language

Introduction to R


SAS proc IML