To Lecture Notes

CSC 423 -- 8/17/15

Review Exercises

  1. Here is a hypothetical dataset. xi is the distance from the basket that a shot is taken in a basketball game, y indicates whether the shot is made (1=made, 0=missed).

    Construct a logistic regression model for predicting the probability of making the shot from a given distance.
  2. In SAS, how are proc reg and proc glm similar and dissimilar?
  3. Why are residuals difficult to interpret in logistic regression?
  4. What is an interaction term? How do you implement an interaction term in a regression model.


The Pendulum Example


More about Logistic Regression


One-way ANOVA


Two-way ANOVA


Case Studies

  1. Factors Affecting the Sale Price of Condominium Units Sold at Auction
  2. Deregulation of the Intrastate Trucking Industry



Multiple Comparison Tests