Schedule of Events- Summer 2010
Schedule Subject
to Change
All activities and events will be
held in the Millennia Boardroom (room 723, CDM building, Loop campus) unless
otherwise noted.
REU Welcome, Introduction & Projects’ Description (Orientation Day) |
9:00am |
9:30am |
Breakfast |
9:30am |
9:40am |
Welcome to the REU Program -- Dr. Furst |
9:40am |
10:15am |
Introduction of the Program -- Dr. Raicu |
10:15am |
10:30am |
Supervising Faculty Introductions -- All Faculty |
10:30am |
10:45am |
MedIX Students Introductions -- All Students |
10:45am |
11:30am |
REU MedIX Experiences (Grace Dasovich and Jonathan Mortensen) |
11:30am |
12:00pm |
Logistics (email accounts, lab
access) Evaluation Process during the
MedIX Program – Dr. Furst Entry Survey of Expectations and Preferences I – online survey – REU students |
12:00pm |
2:00pm |
Lunch |
2:00 pm |
2:45pm |
REU MedIX Experiences (Shirley Yu) |
2:45pm |
3:45pm |
Project Description: Dr. Jacob Furst, DePaul Mentor |
3:45pm | 5:00pm | Review of paper work needed for HR, Logistics, Tour of SoC, Depaul Center, CTA passes – Dr. Jacob Furst | ||||||
HR paperwork, Project Description, MedIX Experiences & University of Chicago visit (Orientation Day) |
9:00 am |
10:00am |
HR employment paper work – Dr. Furst - Room 406A, 4TH Floor. 55 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago. IL 60604 |
11:00 am |
4:00 pm |
University of Chicago visit:
projects’ descriptions, tours, etc. |
Project Descriptions, Research Seminar, Professional Organizations, and Tutorials (Orientation Day) |
9:00am |
9:30am |
Breakfast |
9:30 am |
10:30 am |
Introduction to Image Processing – Dr. Jacob Furst |
10:30 am |
11:30 am |
Introduction to Matlab and
Image Processing in Matlab –Part 1 – Dmitriy Zinovev and Jonathan Feigenbaum |
11:30 am |
12:30 pm |
Professional organizations: IEEE, ACM-W, UPE – Taghrid Samak |
12:30 pm |
1:30 pm |
Lunch |
1:30pm |
2:30pm |
Project Description: Dr. Daniela Raicu, DePaul Mentor |
2:30 3:30pm 5:00pm |
3:30pm |
Developing a research career --
Dr. Raicu Introduction to Matlab and
Image Processing in Matlab –Part 2 – Dmitriy Zinovev and Jonathan Feigenbaum |
Tutorials, Project Selection & Research seminar(Orientation Day) |
9:00am |
9:30am |
Breakfast |
9:30 am |
11:00am |
Introduction to Medical Imaging in Matlab – Dmitriy Zinovev and Jonathan Feigenbaum |
11:00am |
12:30pm |
Introduction to Data Mining and Machine Learning– Dr. Raicu |
12:30 pm |
1:30 pm |
Lunch |
1:30 pm |
3:00 pm |
Open study/ Discussion Time/ Team Assignment/ – all students and faculty |
3:00pm |
3:30pm |
CDM student IDs – Dr. Furst |
3:00pm |
5:00pm |
Retrieving and reading research papers – Dr. Raicu |
Lab work and team meetings |
9:00am |
5:00pm |
Lab work and team meetings at UofC and DePaul |
Lab work, REU group meeting and seminar |
9:00am |
12:30pm |
Lab work at UofC and DePaul |
12:30pm | 3:00pm | Group meeting at DePaul (room 436 A) – Professor Leonard Jason from the Psychology Department and his students will visit our REU and research groups – lunch will be provided followed by presentations by both Departments | ||||
12:30pm | 1:00pm | Introductions | ||||
1:00pm | 2:00pm | Presentations by the Psychology group followed by answers and questions + research ideas | ||||
2:00pm | 3:00pm | Presentations by the MedIX group | ||||
2:00pm | 2:30pm | Classification of lung nodules - uncertainty and variability among readers, Dmitriy | ||||
2:30pm | 3:00pm | Evaluation of classification models - probabilistic classification and challenges, Jon | ||||
3:00pm | 5:00pm | Updates on the individual REU teams' research progress. |
2:00pm | 4:00pm | Lecture and demonstration of a medical imaging modality at Uof C – Dr. Sam Armato |
Lab work, REU group meeting and seminar |
9:00am |
2:00pm |
Lab work at UofC and DePaul |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
Group meeting at DePaul
(Millennia boardroom) 2:00pm REU teams progress report (pizza will be served) 3:00pm papers' presentations by |
Matt & Gina: Kano, Akiko, Kunio Doi, Heber MacMahon, Dayne D. Hassell, and Maryellen L. Giger. "Digital image subtraction of temporally sequential chest images for detection of interval change." Medical Physics 21.3 (1994): 453-61. Web. 28 June 2010. (pdf) | |||
Youlian & Jon: Drezde M., Talukdar P., and Crammer K., "Sequence learning from data with multiple labels." {\it ECML/PKDD Workshop on Learning from Multi-Label Data (MLD)}. 2009. (pdf) |
Lab work, REU group meeting and seminars |
9:00am |
2:00pm |
Lab work at UofC and DePaul |
2:00pm | 5:00pm |
Group meeting at DePaul
(Millennia boardroom) |
2:00pm | 2:45pm | How to give a good presentation (Jonathan) | ||
2:45pm | 3:30pm | MedIX’s REU teams' progress reports | ||
3:30pm | 5:00pm | Paper presentations | ||
Saul and Jully: Onur Osman, Serhat Ozekes. Computerized Lung Nodule Detection Using 3D Feature Extraction and Learning Based Algorithms. Journal of Medical Systems, v.34, no.2, pg 185-194, April 2010. (pdf) | ||||
Colin: Y. Liu, T. Jiang, and C. Zhang (Eds.): Efficient Population Registration of 3D Data, CVBIA 2005, pp 291-301,2005 (pdf) |
2:00 pm | 4:00 pm |
Lecture and demonstration of a medical imaging modality at Uof C – Dr. Sam Armato |
Midterm Research Presentations |
9:30am |
10:00am |
Breakfast |
10:00am | 3:00pm |
Student Research Presentations
10:00am |
10:30am |
"Automated Detection of Pathological Changes in Temporal Subtraction Chest
Images" by Gina Yu (Harvard University) and Matt Lee
(University of Chicago)
10:30am | 11:00am |
"Tumor Change in CT/PET" by Colin O'Byrne (Harvey Mudd College)
11:00am | 11:30am |
“Improved Chest Radiographs by Means of Rib Suppression Based on a
Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network" by Lindsay Kulkin
(Syracuse University)
11:30am | 12:00am |
"Prediction of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" by Christine Bronikowski
(Vanderbilt University) and Angela Weng (Northwestern University)
12:00am | 1:30pm |
Lunch (DePaul Center room 11013)
1:30pm | 2:00pm |
"Three Dimensional Analysis of Lung Nodules" by Venetia Murchinson
(DePaul University), Saul Soriano (John Carroll University) and
Jully Araujo (Union College)
2:00pm | 2:30pm |
“Content-based Image Retrieval of Lung Nodules" by Jacob Gardner
(Missouri University of Science And Technology)
2:30pm | 3:00pm |
"Evaluation of multi-valued probabilistic classification systems" by
Youlian Simidjiyski (University of Chicago )
3:00pm | 3:30pm | Program Evaluation Surveys |
Lab work, REU group meeting and seminars |
9:00am |
2:00pm |
Lab work at UofC, NU and DePaul |
2:00pm | 3:00pm | Group meeting at DePaul (Millennia boardroom) | ||
2:00pm |
2:30pm |
MedIX teams progress reports | ||
2:30pm |
3:00pm |
Lindsay: Suzuki, K., Yoshida, H., Näppi, J., & Dachman, A. H. (2006). Massive-training artificial neural network „MTANN… for reduction of false positives in computer-aided detection of polyps: Suppression of rectal tubes. Medical Physics, 33(10), 3814-3824. (pdf) | ||
3:00pm | 4:30pm | "Women in science" event. Moderators - Angela Weng, Jully Araujo, Lindsay Kulkin. (flyer - pdf) |
Lecture and demonstration of a medical imaging modality at Uof C – Dr. Sam Armato (PLEASE DRESS APPROPRIATELY for the hospital visit) |
Lab work, REU group meeting and seminars |
9:00am |
2:00pm |
Lab work at UofC and DePaul |
2:00pm | 3:00pm |
Group meeting at DePaul
(Millennia boardroom) MedIX seminar: Paper Presentation – REU team III |
2:00pm |
2:30pm |
MedIX teams progress reports | ||
2:30pm |
3:00pm |
Christine & Angela: L. Huang, S. Hsu, E. Lin. A comparison of classification methods for predicting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome based on genetic data. Journal of Translational Medicine 2009, 7:81doi:10.1186/1479-5876-7-81 | ||
3:30pm | 5:00pm | A day in a life of a PhD student event (flyer - pdf) |
Lab work, REU group meeting and seminars |
9:00am | 2:00pm | Lab work at UofC, NU and DePaul | ||
2:00pm | 3:30pm | Group meeting at DePaul (Millennia boardroom) | ||
2:00pm |
2:45pm |
MedIX teams progress reports | ||
2:45pm |
3:30pm |
Jacob: Sang Cheol Park, Xiao-Hui Wang, Bin Zheng, Assessment of Performance Improvement in Content-based Medical Image Retrieval Schemes Using Fractal Dimension, Academic Radiology, Volume 16, Issue 10, October 2009, Pages 1171-1178, ISSN 1076-6332, DOI: 10.1016/j.acra.2009.04.009. (pdf) | ||
3:30pm | 5:30pm | "Research Projects at CDM" event. Moderators - Matthew Lee, Youlian Simidjiyski, Gina Yu. (flyer - pdf) |
Lecture and demonstration of a medical imaging modality at Uof C – Dr. Sam Armato |
Lab work, REU group meeting and seminars |
10:00am | 1:30pm | Science and Industry Museum visit and lunch | ||
2:00pm | 4:30pm | Group meeting at DePaul (Millennia boardroom) | ||
2:00pm |
2:45pm |
MedIX teams progress reports | ||
2:45pm |
3:30pm |
Dmitriy: Antoine Bordes, Nicolas Usunier and Jason Weston, Label Ranking under Ambiguous Supervision for Learning Semantic Correspondences, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2010. (pdf) | ||
3:30pm | 4:30pm | Pills Identification using Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence techniques by Jon Nowick, MS student |
Project demos and deliverables are due |
9:30am |
10:00am |
Breakfast |
10:00am |
4:00pm |
Student Research Presentations +Lunch |
10:00am | 10:40am | "Evaluation of multi-valued probabilistic classification systems" by Youlian Simidjiyski (University of Chicago) | ||
10:40am | 11:20am | “The Application of the Gabor Filter to MTANN False Positive Reduction in Computer-Aided Detection of Colorectal Polyps" by Lindsay Kulkin (Syracuse University) | ||
11:20am | 12:00am | "Working Towards the Construction of a Probabilistic Atlas for Whole-Body FDG-PET" by Colin O'Byrne (Harvey Mudd College) | ||
12:00am | 1:00pm | Lunch (DePaul Center room 11013) | ||
1:00pm | 1:40pm | "Automated Detection of Pathological Changes in Temporal Subtraction Chest Images" by Gina Yu (Harvard University) and Matt Lee (University of Chicago) | ||
1:40pm | 2:20pm | “Content-based Image Retrieval of Lung Nodules" by Jacob Gardner (Missouri University of Science And Technology) | ||
2:20pm | 2:30pm | Break | ||
2:30pm | 3:10pm | "Three Dimensional Analysis of Lung Nodules" by Venetia Murchinson (DePaul University), Saul Soriano (John Carroll University) and Jully Araujo (Union College) | ||
3:10pm | 3:50pm | "Prediction of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" by Christine Bronikowski (Vanderbilt University) and Angela Weng (Northwestern University) | ||
3:50pm | 4:00pm | "Content-based image retrieval - overview" - Deepon Bhaumik (High School student) | ||
4:00pm |
4:30pm |
Exit Program Survey |
4:30pm |
5:00pm |
Deliverables are due: final presentation, final report, any submitted papers, nuggets, code and documentation |
5:00pm |
7:00pm |
Farewell dinner at Rosebud Theater District |