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Assignment 3

Due: Sunday, May 17

In this Assignment you will explore and experiment with several classification and predictive modeling approaches discussed in the lectures. You may also wish to watch the class video Classification in WEKA (30 min) that demonstrated many of the techniques used in this assignment.

  1. In this problem we will use the PEP data from Assignment 2 for the purpose of target marketing. In this case, we plan on using the historical data from past customer responses (the training data from last assignment) in order to build a classification model. The model will then be applied to a new set of prospects to whom we may want extend an offer for a PEP. Rather than doing a mass marketing campaign to all new prospects, we would like to target those that are likely to respond positively to our offer (according to our classification model).

    There are two data sets available (in ARFF format) contained in the Zip archive bank-data.zip:

    • bank-data.arff - Pre-classified training data Set for Building a Model
    • (this is the data from assignment 2)
    • bank-new.arff - A set of new customers from which to find the "hot prospects" for the next target marketing campaign (i.e. those that are likely to respond positively to an offer for PEP.

    Note that since the ID attribute is not used for building the classifier, you should begin by loading each of these data sets into WEKA, and in each case removing the ID attribute and saving both filtered data sets into new files.

    1. Using WEKA package create a "C4.5" classification model based on the pre-classified training data. In WEKA, the C4.5 algorithm is implemented by "weka.classifiers.trees.J48". Use 10-fold cross-validation to evaluate your model accuracy. Record the final decision tree and model accuracy statistics obtained from your model. Be sure to indicate the parameters you use in building your classification model (if you experiment with non-default values). You can save the statistics and results by right-clicking the last result set in the "Result list" window and selecting "Save result buffer." You should also generate and create a screen shot of your tree by selecting the "Visualize tree" command from the same menu [Note: you can resize the window as necessary, right-click inside the window, and select the command "Fit to Screen" to get a better view of the full tree]. You should provide the decision tree together with the accuracy results from the cross-validation as part of your submission.

    2. Next, apply the classification model from the previous part to the new customers data set as the "Supplied test set." Be sure to the select the option "Output predictions" in the test options for the classifier (under More Options). This option will show you the predicted classes for the 200 new instances. In your final submitted result you shouldo map the resulting answers back to the original customer "id" field for the new customers (this could be done using a spreadsheet program such as Excel and the original new customers data set in CSV format). Provide your resulting predictions for the 200 new cases and other supporting documentation as part of your submission.

    3. Lift Charts: Suppose that we would like to use our predictive model from the previous part as a response model for a future targeted marketing campaign. To do so, we want to use the 200 new cases in part (b) as the test data. Suppose that we have the actual positive responses provided by these 200 prospects. These actual responses are given in the spreadsheet pep-actual-resp.xls. Note that the total number of positive responses is 50 (i.e., the response rate for the untargeted marketing is 25%). Given this information, and the predicted PEP values from part (b) compute the Cumulative Gain Lift Chart corresponding to the response model. Note that the predicted PEP values are not actual responses, but only a prediction that the prospect is likely to be interested in PEP. To create the chart, you will need to compute and record the probability of PEP="YES" for each of the 200 prospects (this is part of the output generated in part b). You can then sort the 200 prospects according to this probability and compute the cumulative positive responses (from the actual response spreadsheet) against the total number of prospects contacted. This should then be compared against the untargeted case which has a fixed 25% response rate. Your final lift chart should look something like this. Finally, based on your lift chart, compute the lift value if only the top 70 prospects are targeted. What does this value mean?

  1. In this problem you will use Naïve Bayesian Classification on usage data associated with a hypothetical ecommerce Web site to determine if a user will return to the site in the future. The data set (Visit-Nominal.csv) contains a set of 100 user sessions involving activities on the Web site. The attributes in this data set have been converted into categorical (nominal) binary attributes indicating whether the user has visited a specific section of the site or has purchased a product in the past visits. The attributes are described as follows:

    • Home - indicating whether the user has visited the homepage.
    • Browsed - indicating whether the user has spent time (using some pre-specified threshold) browsing the product catalog.
    • Searched - indicating whether the user has performed searches for specific products.
    • Prod_A, Prod_B, Prod_C - indicating whether the user has purchased products belonging the corresponding product category.
    • Visit_Again - the class attribute indicating whether the user has subsequently returned to the site in a future session.

    Your tasks in this problem are as follows:

    1. Load the data set into WEKA and under the Classify tab choose classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayesSimple. Under the Test options select Use training set. Then run the classifier and save the result set buffer. You will notice that the model specified the conditional probabilities associated with different attributes for each of the two classes (Visit_Again=yes and Visit_Again=no). For example, using this information you can find Pr(Browsed=no | Visit_Again=yes) or Pr(searched=yes | Visit_Again=no). Also, the model includes the prior probabilities of each of the two classes, Pr(Visit_Again=no) and Pr(Visit_Again=yes). Submit your result set as part of your answer.

    2. Next, using the probabilities you obtained from the model and Bayes' Rule, manually compute the probabilities of each of the following two new instances belonging each of the two classes:
      1. New instance X = <Home=yes, Browsed=no, Searched=yes, Prod_A=no, Prod_B=yes, Prod_C=no>
      2. New instance Y = <Home=yes, Browsed=yes, Searched=no, Prod_A=yes, Prod_B=no, Prod_C=yes>
      For example, in the case of X, you must user Bayes' rule to compute Pr(X | Visit_Again=yes) and Pr(X | Visit_Again=no), and similarly for Y. Show the details of your computation.


  1. For this problem you will use an image segmentation data set and perform classification based on the K-Nearest-Neighbor (KNN) Approach. This dataset contains information characterizing images with each line corresponding to one image. Each image is represented by 19 features (these are the columns in the data and correspond to the feature names in the list of attributes. The last column in the data contains the class labels corresponding to the image types (brickface, sky, foliage, cement, window, path, grass). The data set contains three files. The file "segment-train.arff" is the training data consisting of 30 instances (images) from each of the 7 categories. The test data ("segment-test.arff") is used for evaluating the model built using the training data and it contains 2310 instances. A detailed description of the data set, including the meanings of various attributes is provided in the file "segment-decription.txt". The data set used in this problem is based on the Image Segmentation data set at the UCI Machine Learning Repository.

    Your tasks in this problem are the following:

    1. Load in the training image segment data into WEKA and select WEKA's KNN implementation under the Classify tab. This implementation is called IBk and it is located in the module: weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk. Open the classifier options dialog box and select an appropriate value for K (number of neighbors). Under Test options choose 10-fold cross-validation (which is the default). Run the classifier multiple times, experimenting with different values of K (you may wish to try 5, 10, 15, 20 and so on) and with or without the distance weighting option set. For each run examine the evaluation result. Once you are satisfied that you have the best set of options, record the final results by saving your buffer for the corresponding result set. You should submit this result set and also provide a 1-2 paragraph summary of which options you tried and your findings.
    2. Next, apply your model from part (a) to the test data. Under the Test options select "Supplied test set" and set the test set to the file segment-test.arff. Under More options, make sure that "Output predictions" is selected. Finally, run the KNN classifier on the test data. Compare the evaluation results to the results from 10-fold cross-validation. Submit your results set (including the predictions) along with a summary of your observations.

  1. Suppose that an online bookseller has collected ratings information from 20 past users (U1-U20) on a selection of recent books. The ratings range from 1 = worst to 5 = best.

    Two new users (NU1 and NU2) who have recently visited the site and rated some of the books ("?" represents missing ratings). The two new users' ratings given in the last two rows of the spreadsheet.

    Using the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm predict the ratings of these new users for each of the books they have not yet rated. Use the Pearson correlation coefficient as the similarity measure. [Note: you should complete this problem using Microsoft Excel or similar spreadsheet program. You may also choose to write a program that performs the specified computations below.]

    1. First compute the correlations between the new users (NU1 and NU2) and all other users (you can show these as added columns in original spreadsheet). Then for each new user compute the predicted rating for each of the unrated items using K=3 (i.e., 3 nearest neighbors). Use the weighted average function to compute the predictions based on ratings of the nearest neighbors. Be sure to show the intermediate steps in your work (or provide a short explanation of how you computed the predictions).

    2. Measure the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) on the predictions using NU1 and NU2 as test users. You can compute MAE by generating predictions for items already rated by the test user (e.g., for NU1 these are all items except "The DaVinci Code" and "Runny Babbit"). Then, for each of these items you can compute the absolute value of the difference between the predicted and the actual ratings. Finally, you can average these errors across all 12 compared items (for both NU1 and NU2) to obtain the MAE.

    3. Item-Based Collaborative Filtering. Using the same data as above and the item-based collaborative filtering algorithm (instead of user-based CF used in the previous parts), compute the predicted rating of NU1 on the book "The DaVinci Code". Note that in this case, you will need to find the K most similar items (books) to the target item based on their rating vectors (columns in the table), and then use NU1's ratings on the K neighbor items. For this problem use K = 2, and use Cosine Similarity to identify the most similar neighbors to "The DaVinci Code". In order to compute Cosine similarities, you may assume that missing values in the ratings table are considered to be zeros.

Copyright © 2014-2015, Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University.