CSC 211

Spring, 2003

Assignment 3

Modifying a class

Due: 11:59pm, Monday, April 21st

Purpose: This assignment asks you to modify the BankAccount class presented in class and to write a program to test objects of that class. 

Procedure (Modifying the BankAccount class)

  1. Create a folder called Assignment3 in your Java Projects folder.
  2. Download the definition of the BankAccount class from the the file and place into the Assignment3 folder.
  3. Start up BlueJ and select the Open Non BlueJ... option from the Project menu.  Select the Assignment3 folder.
  4. Double-click on the BankAccount icon to edit it.
  5. Modify the definition of the BankAccount class by:
  6. Compile this class and try out the methods by creating an object and right-clicking on its icon (as was done in class).

Procedure (Writing a program to test the new class definition)

  1. In the BlueJ main window, click the New Class button.  Name the class TestBankAccount. 
  2. Using the file presented in class as a model, write a program that:
  3. Proceed to compile and run your program.

What to submit: Through COL, submit a zip file containing both the file and the file.