ECT 250: Survey of e-commerce technology
Pages 78 - 89 in Electronic Commerce.
For this assignment you will create a shrine dedicated to your favorite person (for example, an actor, director, composer, musician, athlete, business figure, politician, or other person). The person does not have to be "famous". If your brother or your best friend is your favorite person, you can dedicate your shrine to them. (Note, however, that you may not create a shrine to yourself, even if you are your favorite person).
The shrine should contain at least 5 different links (meaning that no two have the same domain) relating to some aspect of the person's life or activities. Be imaginative about how you incorporate the links into the page. A page with the five links simply listed with no accompanying text as explanation will lose points. I recommend using a search engine or Web directory to find information and/or images about the person you have chosen.
The shrine must have the following features:
The page must be published on the machine. Further, you must add a link from your main ECT 250 page to the shrine and a link from the shrine to your main page. Make sure to check that the colors and formatting used on the page make the text and links legible. Pages with poor organization and formatting will lose points on appearance.
The assignment is worth 100 points and will be graded as follows:
Required item | Points |
Title and heading | 5 |
Table | 15 |
Images (at least one with a hyperlink) | 10 |
Links from main page to shrine and from the shrine to the main page | 5 |
Five hyperlinks relating to the person | 25 |
Published on, located in public_html/ect250 | 30 |
Background and appearance of page | 10 |
Any page that does not have its permissions set so that it is viewable by the grader will receive a 0. The late policy will be strictly enforced.
Note that since this assignment will be linked to your main page, you do not have to send me the URL. I will use the URL you supplied for Assignment 3. If however, you did not submit the previous assignment you must e-mail me the URL for your main page by the deadline or your submission for this assignment will be considered late.