Occurs in Week 11 session
At least one Member from each team is present to argue

·         Debate Structure (30%):

o        Pro's Opening Statement (5 minutes)
Pro states the context of the team's position


o        Con's Opening Statement (5 minutes)
Con states the context of the team's position


o        Pro's Discusses position (5-10 minutes)
Pro discusses their position with supporting evidence


o        Con's Discusses position (5-10 minutes)
Con discusses their position with supporting evidence


o        Open both side up for debate (10-20)


o        Pro's Closing Statements (3 minutes)
Pro recaps the points the team has made in the debate.


o        Con's Closing Statements (3 minutes)
Con recaps the points the team has made in the debate.


·         Report Structure (70%):

o        1.0 Problem Statement
The context for the topic including background information that is necessary for understanding the arguments provided by either side. (1 page ideal)

o        2.0 Position  Arguments
The arguments that the team will make with supporting documentation  (4 pages ideal)

o        3.0 Cross Examination Arguments
The rebuttals that are planned for cross examination with supporting documentation (2 pages ideal)

o        4. 0 Conclusion

o        Summarize your main points and positions. 1page (max)

o        5.0 Reference Section
All references used in the paper are noted. (8 references minimum)


Grading Criteria

A— Data and supporting materials are carefully and logically analyzed.

B-- Statements are logical but details are few

C-- Statements are mostly logical and details are present but do not further arguments made.