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     Tyrone Wilson



Tyrone Wilson received his undergraduate degree from Roosevelt University Chicago, Illinois, in the field of Computer Science.  He received his Master’s Degree in Information Systems from DePaul University , June, 2010.  He holds Microsoft, Cisco and Novell certifications.  He also plans to pursue his Ph.D. in Information Sciences at DePaul University this fall.


I love going to Brazil.  This was my second Study Abroad trip there.  I learned a great deal more this time around because I knew what to expect and what to look for.  I find the subject of Global IT very intriguing, especially in Brazil and other parts of South America.  


I got a chance actually see more of Brazil this time.  The beaches of Florianopolis are absolutely beautiful.  I finally got an opportunity to workout with a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu expert and one of his students.  They were great!


Thanks Yele for another excellent trip!!!  




IS 597 Study Abroad, Brazil DePaul University

1 East Jackson Chicago, Illinois 60604