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It was founded in 1982.
The facility is in progress to build a technological park much like Polis at CPQD.
There appears to be a series of ongoing projects which are mostly endorsed by the government.  With more funding from government allowing more interaction with academic institution
33% funded by government and 66% funded by private sector
It seeks out to create revenue by providing   supplemental courses for graduated incubators
Government funding will be audited on an annual basis.
Most of their funding is received on the federal funding which truly help them grow and accelerate.
Competitive Advantage
Government funding gives this company an edge. Interaction with graduated incubators allows CTI to maintain knowledge sharing when innovated ideas arise at the academic institution.  
Mainly focused on internal market
IT Policies
It’s main focus is Information Technology
3 areas of research and development: microelectronics, software, and applications
Collaboration takes place with several universities like USP, UNICAMP, and UNESP
Collaborate with networks and companies like HP and Petrobrass
Everything is done here except Fabrication
The federal government, a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology, is a key sponsor of CTI by providing financial support for the organization and the public universities it partners with. The local government is also involved in the project selection process to meet social and developmental goals.
Most of their funding is attained at the federal level which provides CTI more capability to work through the bureaucratic of Brazilian government when seeking out for approval of the various projects they are currently working on.
With heavy government funding, this create a longer delay process when new projects are presented.  For instance, their counterparts CPQD with relatively bigger in mass size due to rapid expansion with private sector funding while CTI will take a longer process to expand their organization.




IS 597 Study Abroad, Brazil DePaul University

1 East Jackson Chicago, Illinois 60604