PUC University

Company Background

The Gênesis Institute, founded in June 1997, is a private, non-profit foundation of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro [PUC-RIO]). The Institute, which is connected to PUC's Department of Academics Affairs, functions as a permanent center of innovation that focuses on supporting and stimulating the development of auto-sustainable enterprises and entrepreneurs. Gênesis uses an incubator approach to achieve such objectives.

With the collaboration of the Trust of Development, a consultative body formed by a collection of organizations that contribute to the development and support of the Institute's actions; Gênesis is able to transfer PUC's knowledge to the society through the formation of entrepreneurs and the generation of companies, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the regions where these companies are located.

The Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro , PUC-Rio, the first private university in Brazil , is committed to high-quality teaching, applied research and scientific development, in order to constantly contribute for the education of critical and conscious citizens.

This commitment has helped the preparation of professionals who are capable of occupying high leadership and management posts, both in public service and private enterprises.  It has also prepared students to become highly-qualified professionals in different areas and sectors, actively contributing to the development process of Brazilian society.

On March 15th 1941, the Catholic Schools of Philosophy and Law were formerly inaugurated. In 1946, PUC had 463 students enrolled in three different courses. In 2000, through its 23 departments, which are the academic units of the University, PUC-Rio offered graduate degrees in all of them, master's degree in 20 and doctor's degree in 19 of them. 

PUC had approximately 14,800 students (10,500 undergraduate students, 1,500 stricto sensu graduate students and 2,800 latuo sensu graduate students) and 415 full time professors (391 with doctoral degree). CTC ( Science & Technology Center ) was the first university center in Brazil to integrate teaching and research, as well as the first to implement computer science to its courses.  This model was spread throughout the country by the master and doctors graduated in the Center. Students are also offered a group of courses to help them develop their enterprising abilities and participate in specific programs of the Genesis Institute, whose objective is training and facilitating the creation of business companies - company incubator. 


Company Visit

Early evening, after visiting Neki Technologies and EDS on our first visiting day, we arrived at the Gênesis Institute office. We were greeted at the entrance of their office building and led to a meeting room. The presentation was divided into two separate topics: Gênesis and Empresa Junior PUC – Rio . During the presentation related to Gênesis we heard about the success stories and the challenges that it faces as an incubator. We learned that an incubator organization provides support to help emerging companies with great enterprising potential to succeed. Gênesis fosters the growth of these enterprises by assisting with management, infrastructure and shared services. We also learn that companies supported by Gênesis' incubator program usually “graduate” in two to three years and are then able to face the market alone. During the second part of the presentation, we heard from Empresa Junior PUC – Rio . Empresa Junior is a consulting company operated exclusively by PUC-RIO students. The company was founded in 1995. At the end of the presentation we visited the office were Empresa Junior operates.


The visit to this University was a unique and very eye opening experience. We all were very impressed by the idea of the “company incubators” and the giving these students at such an early age opportunities to become formidable entrepreneurs. I was personally amazed by their level of professionalism and academic accomplishments. Their presentation delivery was remarkable of their ideas of what they wanted to do and new cutting edge business ideas. The students gave insights of their life journey, their future plans and how this program has enabled them in professional and personal growth . As a group we thought this Program was a success and a great idea to extend opportunities to these students.

The ability was to present such high level professional presentation in English was something to be admired by our Group. They were very enthusiastic about the program and seem to embrace the opportunity to be part of the new incubators. We were given a tour of the campus, classrooms and their labs where many of these business ideas and concepts are developed and formalized. Overall we were all impressed of their many accomplishments and unique ideas.