Louis Bo-yang Lin
Master of Science in E-Commerce
Work Experience:
  • ERP engineer/consultant for Taiwan-based company
  • IT consultant for the UN in NY
  • E-commerce depart. manager for China-based company

  • I worked in the Network Economy group and am glad having worked on this topic, especially because my professional specialty is management concentrating on IT, industrial manamenent and marketing. This trip indeeded enhance my knowledge of global IT market.

    By the way, Li-Ming and I finalized this website. If you have any comment for this website, including any bug or art design, please feel free to contact me through the email, crese.ms87@gmail.com. Also, I thank everyone in this class. Because of your cooperation, this website can be finished.

    The following is my personal website, you may also contact me from them.
    My website: http://crese.pixnet.net
    My blog: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/crese