Brazil CTI - 2007 - Global Information Technology

The rapid development and prevalent use of technology in a third world country inspired me to exercise more effort and interest in the use of technology to make work processes and methods more effective.

Summary of the Brazil Experience

Visiting Brazil with my DePaul class exceeded my expectations. First, the planning and logistics were organized perfectly. The daily lectures and encouraged group participation by Dr. Yele were very enlightening. All group members were very professional, studious, and took great interest in all aspects of the trip. I did not expect to visit so many interesting cities and companies. The experience of traveling to various cities in such a short time was a very exciting time for me. It was something that I've always wanted to do. The tours, the dinners, the shopping, the nightlife, the day life, all the fun with the group members, and the scenery of the country was a bit of overwhelming excitement at times. The travel and study abroad experience was a dream come true.

Meeting people in another country and having to communicate with them in their own language was a good reality check. It was the most rewarding learning experience of all the classes that I've taken. Learning and immersing in another culture, observing various work environments and meeting people in a foreign IT environment enhanced my overall IT life experiences. I was able to gain a new respect for the dedication and work involved in this field. I am eternally grateful to Dr. Yele, Bernardo, Gregg and all DePaul staff involved in making this trip a rewarding and enjoyable lifetime experience.


Vincent Stokes

Current Location:

Chicago, IL

Current Field of Study:

M.S. in Information Systems

Current Area of Employment or Job Role:

Infomration Services Systems Analyst

Career Objectives:

To promote myself to the area of Management Information Systems and to improve web design and development skills. Also, to more effectively utilize technology to achieve more successful user training, to enhance work processes by encouraging the use of technology to its fullest capacity in my work environment.

What part of the framework did you study?

Network Learning / Network Society

What was your role outside of the framework?


Would you ever return to Brazil to work/study/live?

I would be more than willing to return to Brazil to work, study or vacation.