Brazil CTI - 2007 - Global Information Technology

Traveling to Brazil is my most rewarding and life changing experience. From the time the group members gathered in Chicago, it became clear that my perspective on life, on America, on Brazil, and on the world were about to change.

Summary of the Brazil Experience

At the point of touchdown in Rio de Janeiro, it was evident that the social relationship of the Brazilian people was genuine. By the way the people greet, communicate, and function day to day, a newcomer has no choice but to recognize that there is more to the society than what the mainstream media projects. As I toured the highs and lows of Rio, I discovered that the city was very progressive in the form of economic development; more so in software development. The dedication of the people, the impressive support of the academic institutes, and the collective source of media will make Brazil the next frontier in the global market.

After walking the streets of Rio, I had the chance to travel across the nation and visit a set of well respected cities; Curitiba, Blumenau, and Florianopolis. Each city provided its own spin on Brazil from an economic and social point of view. Curitiba illustrated its position as a financial and software power house by encompassing large firms such as HSBC and Accenture. Its social out aspects are more conservative in comparison to Rio. The people are friendly and are more open to assist and direct. The locals are fans of Americans and American culture. The city of Blumenau presented the idea of a true subculture by telling the story of how a German city could reside within the borders of Brazil and carry a dynamic software infrastructure for German automotive makers and IT services. As for Florianopolis, it could be referred to as one of the world's best kept secrets. It contains a city full of wonderful people and beautiful beaches. It is a perfect place for settlement and entrepreneurship. The island consists of a society that is up to date with the technologies of the world and the latest trends. No other place on earth like Florianopolis.

The night life in Brazil is an experience within itself. The music that is played across the air waves is a combination of American, Brazilian, and modern samba. The after work lounges are very exciting to visit. They are relaxing and casual. The people are full of smiles and seeking to dance and talk. Majority of the locals are excited to interact with the American culture just as Americans are intrigued to socialize with Brazilians. The streets remain filled with people seeking to have a good time and to embrace the present. The late night eateries are one of a kind. There are plenty of restaurants that can give you a taste of Brazilian beef and local entrees.

Brazil. It is a place where you can feel free with yourself and enjoy life by each second.


Dorian A. Flowers

Current Location:

Chicago, IL

Current Field of Study:

M.S. in Computer Graphics and Animation

Current Area of Employment or Job Role:

Software Engineer

Career Objectives:

To become a Project Lead and a recognized contributor to either the Game Development or the Animated Film Industry

What part of the framework did study?

Network Learning / Network Society

What was your role outside of the framework?

Website Lead

Would you ever return to Brazil to work/study/live?

Yes. I intend to dedicate a segment of my life to Brazil. I will dedicate by either returning to live, to invest, to promote, or to engage in philanthrophy. One way or another, I plan to re-live the experience and ask for more.