A little about me.

I taught for DePaul CTI for six years while I was working on my Ph.D. in computer science, Information Systems. After leaving Chicago for the beauty of upstate NY (read that "into the snow country") I taught for Syracuse University.  Most recently I have been in Maryland and back to Chicago for the last two years.

My research work is in distributed groups and improving the ways that people work together when they are not in the same time/place by improving the ways they interpret their remote partners behaviors. Specifically what happens when people fail behave in expected ways. What information can the groupware provide to improve the accuracy of our determination of the reasons for the silence without overloading the receiver? It is a delicate balance.

I teach a wide array of courses including Telecommunications (I have a MS in Telecom Management)[LAN, Routing, Practicum], IS [Social Impacts], PM [Virtual Collaboration], IT [Systems Analysis and Design].

My office policy is pretty easy, if I'm in my office, I'm generally available.