To Lecture Notes

IT 372 -- May 22, 2024

Review Questions

  1. What is the difference between the Kotlin val and var keywords?
  2. Define a Kotlin Point class specified by this UML diagram:
    |                 Point                  |
    | - x : Float {get}                      |
    | - y : Float {get}                      |
    | + distanceFromOrigin( ) : Float        |
    | + equals(otherPoint : Point) : Boolean |
    | + toString( ) : Boolean                |
    Answer: See Example 14 in the Introduction to Kotlin document.
  3. Define Kotlin Animal and Pet classes with these instance variables:
    Animal: species  age  vaccinated
    Pet:    name   owner
    Pet inherits from Animal. Define toString methods for each class. Test each class.
    Answer: See Example 18 in the Introduction to Kotlin document.
  4. Implement the ClickCounter Example in Kotlin.
  5. Implement the Magic8Ball Example using Kotlin for the Prediction and MainActivity classes.

Introduction to Kotlin

Creating and Using SQL Tables in Android Apps

  1. Create SQLite database.
    Define a class derived from SQLiteOpenHelper:
    public class SDBH extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
        public KidsDbHelper(Context context) {
            super(context, "kids2.db", null, 1);
        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
            // This method is only called if the database
            // Does not exist.
            // Recommendation: leave the body of this
            // method empty.  Put code for creating and
            // populating tables in the activity file.  
        public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, 
            int i, int i1) {
            // We will not use this onUpgrade method 
            // in IT 372, but it is still required.
  2. Create SQLite table in the activity file:
    SQLiteOpenHelper dbh = new KidsDbHelper(this);
    SQLiteDatabase db = dbh.getReadableDatabase( );
    db.execSQL("create table kids(name text, 
        gender text, age integer)");
  3. Insert row into table:
    ContentValues studentValues = new ContentValues( );
    studentValues.put("name", name);
    studentValues.put("grade", grade);
    studentValues.put("gender", gender);
    db.insert("students", null, studentValues);
  4. Create Cursor to view or use query results:
    Cursor cursor = db.query("students",
        new String[ ] {"name", "grade", "gender"},
        null, null, null, null, null);
    The five null arguments correspond to these parameters:
    selection  selectionArgs  groupBy  having  orderBy
    We will see how to use these arguments later.
  5. Methods to position cursor within result set:
    cursor.moveToFirst( )
    cursor.moveToNext( )
    cursor.moveToPrevious( )
    cursor.moveToLast( )
  6. Methods to obtain field values from current cursor position:

Practice Problems

  1. Look at the StudentsDb1 Example.
  2. Look at the StudentsDb2 Example.
  3. KidsDb1 Example. Use this kids.txt file to populate a kids table in a database named kids.db.  Here is the table schema:
    name : text; gender : text; age : integer
    After the kids table has been populated, query the table to display all of its data concatenated in a single textview. Answer:
    Here are the files for the app: activity_main.xml