To Lecture Notes

IT 372 -- Apr 1, 2024

Course Documents

Course Prerequisites

Course Textbook

Course Topics

  1. Brief History of Mobile Computing
  2. Review of Java
  3. Android Studio
  4. Activities
  5. XML files
  6. LinearLayout
  7. The Activity Lifecycle
  8. Intents and multiactivity apps
  9. ConstraintLayout and other layouts
  10. Widgits: toggle button, switch, radio button, spinner, scroll view, toast, image view
  11. Using sqlite in Apps
  12. Other topics

Brief History of Mobile Computing

Android API Versions

Android Development

Java Review Quiz

  1. What is the size in bytes of each of these datatypes?
    int  double  char  boolean
  2. Write a for loop that prints the odd numbers from 99 to 1 in descending order.
  3. How does a switch statement work? Show how to translate this else..if statement into a switch statement:
    String word;
    if (n == 1) {
        word = "one";
    else if (n == 2) {
        word = "two";
    else {
        word = "many";

Create a First Android App

Android Studio Folder Structure

Project 1

Android Class Documentation

Create New Class