To Examples

ChangeColors Example



  1. Change the layout to a LinearLayout.
  2. Set the layout height to "wrap_content".
  3. Set the layout width to "match_parent".
  4. Add padding to the linear layout of size
  5. Add a TextView widget to the linear layout.
  6. Add an onClick event handler to the TextView.
  7. Set the text of the button to "Change BgColor".
  8. Set the id of the linear layout to "@+id/layout".
  9. Run the app to check the layout.
  10. Copy this astronomical nebula image nebula.jpg into the drawable folder.
  11. Set this nebula image as the background image:
  12. Run the app. Here is the layout so far:
  13. Add the colors lightBlue, lightGreen, and lightPink with hex values "#c0ffc0", "#c0ffc0", "#c0ffc0", respectively. Here is the resulting colors file:
  14. Add the private instance variable colorCode to the top of the MainActivity class; initialize it to 0.
  15. Add this event handler to the file:
    private int colorCode = 0;
  16. Add this event handler to the bottom of the MainActivity class.
    protected void onClick(View view) {
        LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
        colorCode = (colorCode + 1) % 3;
        if (colorCode == 1) {
            layout.setBackgroundColor(getResources( ).getColor(R.color.lightBlue));
        else if (colorCode == 2)  {
            layout.setBackgroundColor(getResources( ).getColor(R.color.lightPink));
        else {
            layout.setBackgroundColor(getResources( ).getColor(R.color.lightGreen));
  17. Run your app to test it. Here is the Java activity file: