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IT 313 -- Project 1

METAR Abbreviations

Project 1 directions:

  1. Look up the English meanings of these METAR abbreviations online (Wikipedia is a good source):
    +  -  B  DZ  E  HZ  RA  SN
  2. Write a Java program with a loop that repeatedly reads a METAR abbreviation, translates it to English if it is one of these eight abbreviations, then prints its English meaning. Use an if..else statement to do the translation.
  3. If the input does not match any of these eight abbreviations, print Unknown abbreviation.
  4. You decide how to terminate the loop. The simplest way to implement the loop is with an infinite loop like this:
    while(true) {
       ... body of loop;
    You can then terminate the loop by clicking the red stop button to the left of the output window or by closing the output window. In class, we will discuss other methods of setting up and terminating the loop.
  5. Name your Java project according to the standard naming convention: Proj1Smith, where you replace Smith by your last name. Also name your zip file Five point penalty for improperly naming your project and/or zip file.
  6. Submit a zip file of your IntelliJ project folder. You can create a zip file of your project using IntelliJ:
        File >> Export to Zip File...
  7. Note: don't use the == operator for String objects, use the String equals method instead as in the NumToWords Example in the num-to-words file.
  8. Grading Breakdown:   Functionality: 70%; Indentation: 10%; Source code comments: 10%; Properly Submitted: 10%. Score is out of 50.