---- Project 4 Pseudocode import statements Get file object with file chooser (See InputOutput Example, UseFileChooser class.) Create scanner with file object Create printwriter object, filename: "output-labels.txt" Create the digits string: String digits = "-0123456789"; Create codes array: String[ ] codes = ["", "::|||", ":::||", etc. for other digits }; while more lines in input file read next line from input file use String method split to extract fields from line Assign fields to name, address, city, state, zipcode Initialize barcode to "|" Initialize sum to 0 for i going from 0 to zipcode - 1 Get ith digit from zipcode, call it digit (digit is a char) Get index of barcode using String indexOf method on the digits string if index > 0 convert digit to int, call it intDigit: intDigit = (int)(digit - '0') sum += intDigit end Get code for digit using codes array Concatenate code of digit to end of barcode end for Calculate checksum Concatenate code of checksum to barcode Concatenate terminal bar "|" Write fields to output file Write barcode to output file end while close scanner close printwriter