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IT 313 -- Final Review Guide

Bring to Final:

Possible Final Exam Format


Java Keywords

boolean break char class double else
extends final float for private implements 
import int interface new package private 
protected public return static super this 
throws try void while

Java Operators

Arithmetic: +  -  *  /  %
Comparison: <  <=  >  >=  ==  !=
Logical: &&  ||  ^  !
Assignment: =  ++  --  +=  -=  *=  /=  %=
Member Selection: . 
Array Lookup: [ ]
Consructor Invocation: new

Classes and Methods:

See the Java Class Library for details about methods.


See the Java Class Library for details about method signatures.

Software Patterns

Java Related Technologies

JDBC Classes and Interfaces

Java Classes used for Android

Be Able To:

  1. Answer multiple choice questions with optional reason or work.
  2. Answer short essay questions.
  3. Predict the output of Java source code.
  4. Find errors in Java source code.
  5. From the description of a class, determine the UML diagram.
  6. Write Java class methods based on a UML diagram.
  7. Write traditional test or unit test code for a builtin Java class.
  8. Format a string using the String.format or System.out.printf methods.
  9. Explain the roles of Java related technologies.