Final Review Question 3 Look up the Comparator interface in the Java Class Library documentation. Add code to the main method that uses this interface for sorting Vehicle objects. You can use this Vehicle class if you wish: public class Car { private String model; private int year; private int mpg; // mpg means miles per gallon. public Vehicle(String theModel, int theYear, int theMpg) { model = theModel; year = theYear; mpg = theMpg; } @Override public String toString( ) { return String.format("%s %d %d", model, year, mpg); } public static void main(String[ ] args) { Car[ ] a = { new Car("Toyota Prius", 2015, 53), new Car("Chevrolet Cruze", 2014, 45), new Car("Volkswagen Jetta", 2013, 50), new Car("Ford Focus", 2013, 42), new Car("Nissan Leaf", 2015, 101) }; for(Car c: a) { System.out.println(c); Arrays.sort(a); for(Car c: a) { System.out.println(c); } }