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ASCII Table -- Nonprintable Characters

Python &
^@ \0 00 0 Null character
^A \1 01 1 Start of heading
^B \2 02 2 Start of text
^C \3 03 3 End of text
^D \4 04 4 End of transmission
^E \5 05 5 Enquiry
^F \6 06 6 Acknowledge
^G \a 07 7 Audible bell
^H \b 08 8 Backspace
^I \t 09 9 Horizontal tab
^J \n 0a 10 Line feed
^K \v 0b 11 Vertical tab
^L \f 0c 12 Form feed
^M \x0d 0d 13 Carriage return
^N \x0e 0e 14 Shift out
^O \x0f 0f 15 Shift in
^P \x10 10 16 Data link escape
^Q \x11 11 17 Device control 1
^R \x12 12 18 Device control 2
^S \x13 13 19 Device control 3
^T \x14 14 20 Device control 4
^U \x15 15 21 Negative Acknowledge
^V \x16 16 22 Synchronous idle
^W \x17 17 23 End of transmission block
^X \x18 18 24 Cancel
^Y \x19 19 25 End of medium
^Z \x1a 1a 26 Substitute
^[ \x1b 1b 27 Escape
^\ \x1c 1c 28 File separator
^] \x1d 1d 29 Group separator
^^ \x1e 1e 30 Record separator
^- \x1f 1f 31 Unit separator