Design an HTML page that implements an online submit form of the domain of
your choice. Suggested domains are information inquiry, online purchase,
membership application, airline reservation.
Required items:
Include at least five fields for full credit. These fields can be but are not limited to textfields,
textareas, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown menus.
The form must check at least one field for the presence
of an input value.
The form must check at least one field for valid format
using a regular expression for validation.
The form must provide at least one optional field that only
appears if it is appropriate for a previous selection. For example,
a textfield might appear of the the user checks a checkbox with
the label "My order has special requests."
Submit your form to
This receipt.php page echos back the information that
was submitted on your form, which verifies that the information
was received by the server.
Use method="POST" for your form
Grading Breakdown: Functionality: 55%; Creativity/Interesting: 10%; Layout and
Styles: 10%;
Source Code Comments in all source code files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript): 10%;
Source code headers with name, project number, and submit date: 5%;
Indentation 5%; URL submitted properly: 5%