To Projects
Project 2
Project 2a -- "JSON" Lookup
Goal: Create a webpage to look up information for cities around the world.
Input Script:
You can access this script directly from the URL. You don't need to download it.
Examples: KidsTextArea1 KidsTextArea2
Create a webpage with these controls:
- Part 1
- Part 2:
- Textfield and label for city.
- Button with caption Show Country/Subcountry. When clicked, it shows country and subcountry given the city.
- Textarea and label to show each country and subcountry that contains the city.
- Note: instead of using textareas to display the output for each part, you can use
paragraphs instead, something like this:
<p id="paraOutput"></p>
- Include at least one image on your webpage. Include an alt
attribute in your <img> element.
- Grading Breakdown: Functionality: 65%; Layout and Styles (CSS): 15%;
Image: 5%; Source Code Comments 10%; Submitted Properly: 5%.
Project 2b -- JSON Upload
- Goal: Modify Project 2a so that the JSON string is uploaded from the
user's harddrive instead of accessing from an online script.
- Relevant Example: FileUpload
- Use your Project 2b code as is or modify it as you wish.
- Here are the steps that we discussed in class on October 17 for modifying your Project 2a submission to obtain your Project 2b submission:
- Delete this line in your HTML file:
<script src="cities.js"></script>
- Make sure that the file you download to your harddrive is a true JSON file with file extension .json, not
the JavaScript script that you used for Project 2a. Here are both files:
cities.js (don't use)
world-cities.json (use).
- Copy the readSingle event listener from the FileUpload example into your script.js file. Include
the line
var contents;
that immediately before the function.
- Make sure that the contents variable matches the global variables that you use in the rest of your code
for the JSON.parse method calls.
- Copy the code from the init method in the FileUpload
Example that creates the file upload object (input element with
- Before running your Project 2b, download world-cities.json to your hardrive.
- Grading Breakdown: Functionality: 60%; Layout and Styles (CSS): 15%;
Source Code Comments in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Files: 10%; Headers with Name,
Project Number, and Submit Date: 5%; Zipfile named properly: 5%; URL submitted
in comment: 5%.