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IT 238 -- Takehome Final Exam Practice Problems

  1. Find the errors in this HTML/CSS/JavaScript application. Here is map.jpg for the image.
    <!-- HTML Page: map.htm -->
    <DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="english">
            <meta encoding="utf-8">
            <title>Pirates Booty<title>
            <script href="script.js">
            <link rel="stylesheet" src="../styles.css">
            <img id=map src="map.jpg">
            <p id="coords">Move mouse over map to 
                           find coordinates...</p>
    // CSS Styles: styles.css 
    body { fontfamily: Verdana Tahoma sans-serif;
           background; FFFFE0 ]
    // JavaScript Script: script.js
    window.onLoad = init;
    function init {
        val map = document.getElementById("#map");
        map.onmousemove = showCoords( );
    function showCoords(eventObj) {
        var coords = getElementsById("coord");
        var x = e.clientX;
        let y = e.clientY;
        coords.innerHtml = 'Map coordinates: (%{x}, %{y})';
    Here are the corrected source code files:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- HTML Page: map.htm -->
    <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <title>Pirates Booty</title>
            <script src="script.js"></script>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
            <img id="map" src="map.jpg">
            <p id="coords">Move mouse over map to 
                           find coordinates...</p>
    /* CSS Styles: styles.css */
    body { font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif;
           background-color: #FFFFE0; }
    // JavaScript Script: script.js
    window.onload = init;
    function init( ) {
        var map = document.getElementById("map");
        map.onmousemove = showCoords;
    function showCoords(eventObj) {
        var coords = document.getElementById("coords");
        var x = eventObj.clientX;
        let y = eventObj.clientY;
        coords.innerHTML = 
            `Map coordinates: (${x}, ${y})`;
  2. Write an application that reads a positive angle in radians from a number box,  then outputs the angle in degrees, minutes, and seconds. The conversion formula is
    degrees = (180.0 / Math.PI) * radians;
  3. Rewrite the application in Problem 4 so that the controls are created dynamically. Start with this empty body tag:
    <body />
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    window.onload = ( ) => {
        var b = document.querySelector("body");
        var v = document.createElement("input");
        v.setAttribute("type", "number");
        v.setAttribute("value", "0.0");
        var br = document.createElement("br");
        var btn = document.createElement("button");
        btn.innerHTML = "Convert to Degrees";
        var p = document.createElement("p");
        btn.onclick = ( ) => {
            var val = v.value;
            var rad = parseFloat(val);
            var deg = rad * 180.0 / Math.PI;
            var degInt = Math.floor(deg);
            var min = (deg - degInt) * 60;
            var minInt = Math.floor(min);
            var sec = (min - minInt) * 60;
            var secInt = Math.round(sec);
            var output = `${degInt} deg ${minInt}\' ${secInt}\"`;
            p.innerHTML = output;
  4. Create a square root calculator. Read the input value from a textfield and display the result in a paragraph. Use a regular expression to validate the input value.
  5. Write an HTML page that creates this dropdown menu dynamically, starting with an empty body:

  6. Translate this jQuery code into vanilla JavaScript and test it:
    // jQuery code.
    $(( ) => {
        $("#btn").click(( ) => {
            var lbs = parseFloat($("#lbs").val( ));
            var kilos = lbs / 2.205;
  7. Modify the W3Schools Drag and Drop Example so that the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code is placed into separate .html, .css, and .js files: